I don’t comment on here very often, however gain huge support from you all by knowing I’m not on my own! and answers are never very far away.
As the title suggests this is a symptom of my MS and many people find the subject quiet taboo. Because of this, I feel the need, even more to share this with you all. After all half of PaMS will suffer from constipation at some time during the journey with MS. Not to mention the huge impact it has on many of my other MS Symptoms, such as bladder, fatigue, and mobility.
I suffered for many years in silence and found it very difficult to talk about.
I feel so strongly now having come what I feel through the other side… that all bowel management options are never given to us as patients to make that informed choice to enable me to decided what works best and fits with my life style.
I finally discovered the option that worked for me, as I now use an anal irrigation system called Peristeen that is just water and it really did change my life beyond recognition… I have seen a website called my-bowel, that I found really helpful, and so keen to share it with you too.
I feel Chronic constipation is something I have to live with and it’s management has very much been neglected. I know what suits one person may not suit another but am so elated that now at least some information options are getting out there and is not just another drug to add to a list of many!
There finally posted!!!
Kay x