Just been to have my feet looked at as i thought something was wrong toenails very thick and hard to cut and i had a few red patches on them and my big toes looked a bit gray a bit worried, so found myself a very nice young man choropidist and he said i had poor curculation in my toes and that the red spots were chilblans and that the thick nails were also due to poor curculation.I was just wondering if anybody else has had this problem. need to keep feet warm all the time trouble is i am not keen on wearing socks to hard to get on and off so its my husbands new job chief footwarmer. Have a good week weather supposed to be nice .katy
any thoughts anyone
just saw your post, same problem: just now the weather getting warm I find myself with chillblains, red toes very scratchy…
my first thought was are u hiring ur husband out?!
i am waiting on chiropody appt cos i cant cut my toe nails but carer said theres red marks on bottom of my feet. i know i have poor ciculation-colours include blue/white. right side much worse. i rarely wear shoes cos cant get them on so i am looking forward to ditching my socks (which are too big cos i cant get ordinary ones on) when summer is here. maybe we can discuss better after my appt? meantime i look forward to other replies u get.
take care, ellie
Oh yes,chilblains were a problem for me before I was even diagnosed, so going back about 20 years now. Although, my feet still feel cold to touch, I haven’t had chilblains for years and years so it can clear up. Cheryl:-);
Hi Katy, Ouch!
I get chilblains on my feet and hands (not so much this year as it’s been a mild winter).
Still wearing my sheepskin boots and socks in bed, mind it’s supposed to be hot this weekend.
I alson have reynaulds which is poor circulation and I take nifedipine in the winter.
Find a nice glass of wine dilates the blood vessels but has to be taken in moderation…
Keep warm
Jen x
Thanks everyone yes husband can be avaible for short term lets , nice glass of wine sounds great may have one in a bit while husband watches the FA CUP i wouldnt mind but he dosent even support either team but he says its something he has to do. Going to docs on monday see what he has to say just to be sure but thank you all once again. Take care katy
Hi, I also had thick nails and found them hard to cut. I now put a few drops of essential lavender oil in warm water and then cut them. They have really improved very quickly compared to tablets and stuff you brush on. Had no experience of chilblains, but sounds bad. Hope my tip helps. Jackie xx
This maybe totally different but I can get randomly really cold toes & fingers, but only a couple of them. My toes can get really sore
Hi Minnie,
Sounds like reynauds that I have. three fingers can be warm while the other two are white and freezing. It’s when the blood floods back in too quickly that the chilblains are formed.
Jen x
Hi jen, yeah that is what happens.
Is this connected to ms or something totally different?