Hello again everyone hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather we are having very unusual for scotland.
I posted last week that I had a scary reaction to copaxone which over a year had gradually been getting worse.
After been taken of copaxone it looks like my only option now is Tectifera as I also have been on rebif for 6 years which was great and no side affects but had to come of it after antibodies problem.
I also have had liver issues.I just wondered how soon after copaxone can you switch to tectifera.
I am so scared of starting tectifera with the various side affects that come with it but I know I have to balance it against taking more relapses.Also if tectifera doesn’t work then I am not sure what else there is for me as others seem to affect the liver.
I just wondered if there was anyone out there that can help put my mind at rest.
Hi Annie, I switched straight from copaxone to aubagio with no problems, don’t know about tectifera though
Hi Annie, I am a new member to the forum, my first post is awaiting clearance.
The post is in relation to a stomach issue that caused me to be admitted to hospital. I started on tecfridera 3months ago. My initial side effects were, loss of appetite, change in bowel habits, feeling warmer than usual and some flushing.
I was originally on rebif and under the guidance of my Neurologist at Southern General and MS nurse, I was advised to stop rebif as there has been recent issues surrounding renal problems. At the time of discussing changing, tecfridera was just about to be licensed in Scotland, when looking at the options of injecting either daily or weekly or to simply take oral treatment , myself & my Husband came away and carried out some research on tecfridera, we also have a friend who is a nurse and she looked at tecfridera’ s studies.
We decided that we would change to tecfridera. After an apt with MS nurse, I had to stop rebif right away as your body has to be flushed for 6weeks before starting tecfridera.
Keep a look out for my post going live. If there is anything else you may think I could give you info on, please let me know.