Challenge MS London walk

I’ve just signed up for the ChallengeMS 20k London walk on 28th September with hubbie & sister.

If you’d like to help me raise money for the MS society, here’s the link to my just giving page; Eleanor Stacey is fundraising for Multiple Sclerosis Society



Done! good luck to all of you

Noreen xx

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Thank you noreen xx

Your welcome Kath :slight_smile: How are you doing with the money raising?

I’ve raised £130 so far. Got the tshirts today - very orange!

Excellent! Good amount :slight_smile: you’ll stand out like oranges :slight_smile:

Just an update as 4days to go to the big MS walk!

I’ve now raised £555 - thank you to everyone who’s donated. I’ll keep you posted how it goes on the day.

That is a great amount of money you’ve raised Kath-well done.

I bet the excitement factor is rising now


The big day is here Kath-thinking of you. Good luck!! :slight_smile:

I did it and it was a beautiful day in London! I also raised loads of money and its still rising.

Got home, had soothing bubble bath, bowl of porridge and honey and now off to bed :slight_smile:

Well done Kath. I hope you’re in the land of nod now

Noreen xx