Cancelling first Neuro appointment :-(

Hi everyone. I have waited for my first Neuro appointment for months which is meant to be tomorrow morning at 10am but due to the weather it looks like I may have to cancel it, I’m pretty rural and the roads are terrible when it snows, I’m so upset. I’ve had symptoms for so long but my recent bad spell has lasted since September and I was eager to take the first step towards getting some answers. Has anyone had to cancel before and how long did you have to wait for a new appointment? I realise every hospital is different but just thought I’d ask, plus needed to vent to people who would understand my frustration. Thank you for reading x

Hi Kel81

I too have my first MS consultation tomorrow after being symptomatic since October last year and diagnosed just before Christmas and having had my first course of steroids. So far we don’t have snow and I’m hoping that we don’t overnight otherwise I too will have to cancel my appointment and this is something I don’t want to do either. I hope that you manage to get to your appointment safely, good luck with your weather.


Thank you for your message. Fingers crossed that you don’t get any snow. Normally I love snow but right now I hate it, such bad timing. Good luck with your appointment, hope your symptoms improve quickly. X

Thanks you, you must post tomorrow and tell me how you get on.

Kel81. If you decide to cancel tomorrow, having worked in Admin at the NHS for years, I suggest you phone and speak to the Neuro’s secretary, rather than phone the Appointments desk. You need to be certain your cancellation is noted or else you will go as a DNA (Did not attend), that is a black mark you do not want.

Also by speaking to the secretary, you get a chance to voice your concerns and ask to be issued a new appointment. You may be lucky and get one made there and then over the phone.

Hi. Thanks for your messages. I made my appointment thankfully. The Neurologist was lovely, listen and read my long list of symptoms, she was concerned by my reflexes and said my optic nerve is pale so sent me for a ton of bloods and is sending me for an MRI, lumber puncher and an eye specialist. Hope your appointment went well KT201. X