Hello, this is my first time posting…I’m now on year three in my diagnostic journey, and I’m waiting to go to a follow up for my MRI. I got the radiologists report but I’m having a hard time understanding.
Multiplanar and multisequence MRI of brain performed without intravenous administration of gadolinium.
Sequences obtained include -
Axial: FLAIR, DWI with ADC mapping, T1 and GRE/susceptibility images.
Sagittal: T1
Postgadolinium sequences:T2 with fat suppression in axial plane, T1 in axial and coronal plane and FLAIR sagittal
Prior available studies including brain MRI dated 02/03/2018.
MS, evaluate interval changes,
There is no extra-axial collection.
The ventricular system is within normal limits.
A few, tiny periventricular T2/FLAIR hyperintensities are again faintly suggested. There is no corresponding low T1 signal. Gray white matter differentiation is otherwise preserved. There are no territorial infarcts, acute hemorrhages or large masses.
There are no diffusion restrictions to suggest acute infarcts.
Normal flow voids of large intracranial arteries are preserved.
Visualized parts of the orbits and skull base are unremarkable.
The craniocervical junction is normal.
Essentially unremarkable noncontrast brain MRI.
Icometrix Data:
QC remarks: Satisfactory reconstruction and volume calculation measurements were obtained. Caution should be exercised while interpreting these results as individual variability and anatomic changes may affect the results.
MS disease FLAIR burden by volume:
Periventricular: 0.02 ml.
Juxtacortical: 0.00 ml.
Infratentorial: 0.00 ml.
Deep white matter: 0.00 ml.
Total volume: 0.02 ml.
T1 hypointensities volume: 0.00 ml.
Whole brain volume: 1591 ml, normative percentile 30.6. Normal range normalized for head size 1490-1710 ml with normalization factor 0.89.
Gray matter volume: 1964 ml., normative percentile 65.8. Normal range normalized for head size 872-1042 ml with normalization factor 0.89.
Thank you, any hell is apreciated. To me it feels like they don’t have much but my symptoms are kicking my ass. Thanks again!