Can any one help pls ?

Hi all Woke up yesterday and I cannot bend my toes down on my left foot I move them up just not down it’s very odd And my leg also feels very heavy , I had noticed the last few days that the tiredness had become worse again and that my buzzing although is always there had seemed to get stronger Just wondered if anyone else has experienced it and any advise on what I should do ? Can’t get to see my Gp till Monday

Hi Cody,

Sorry to say, it sounds like a relapse to me - unless, perhaps, you have a cold or some other infection, which can exacerbate symptoms?

Relapses can take almost any form, and can be sensory (changes to how your senses experience the world), motor (changes to the way you move, or are able to move), or both.

If you are still managing most things about as well as before - i.e. not severely disabled - and the main problem is that it’s “weird”, Monday will be OK to see the doctor. Relapses - especially non-disabling ones - aren’t usually treated as an emergency.

There’s not usually very much you can do, apart from rest as much as you need. If it’s considered to be a “significant” relapse (usually meaning disabling), you may be offered steroids, but if it’s a nuisance, more than a disability, you might not be prescribed anything, as it will usually improve by itself, after a while.


Thank you so much for your reply I’ve not got an official ex as of yet although my neuro seems to think its ms had an MRI which showed 12 lesions and my LP results are due back next week I don’t want to bother the drs and sound like a nuisance it’s just scary , I have spoke to my Gp this morning who advised me to call neuro sec which I have but my neuro is on leave till Monday and she said she would spk to him urgently first thing Monday morning but also advised me to call nhs direct and see if they advice me to go to hospital as my leg is feeling strange too and I’m petrified it’s gonna affect my leg like it has my toes Thanks for your reply thow I’m sorry if it doesn’t sound much and I feel bad for panicking

Sorry, I didn’t realise you weren’t diagnosed. In that case it is certainly good to report it in to your neuro, as it may help your diagnosis, even if they decide not to do anything about it.

Are you walking around OK, and it’s mostly just strange feelings? If you are not seriously incapacitated, I would personally try to stay out of hospital if you possibly can, and sort things out on Monday. A&E don’t usually have a great deal of experience of MS - which is neither an accident or an emergency - and probably the best they could do would be to give you steroids. Which you could discuss with your neuro anyway on Monday.



I’m hobbling around as don’t feel like I can weight bear on my left leg :frowning: sorry I should have said in my first post that I was awaiting dx Thanks for your advice I will take it on board it’s just this along with all the the other things I’m experiencing can be quite frightening I no there are plenty of people who are a whole lot worse off than me and do genuinely feel bad when I’m taking up the drs time Thanks again for your reply I really appreciate it x

It’s absolutely right to report it to the doctor - I’m just not a huge fan of A&E for MS-type stuff, as it’s not a life-threatening emergency, and if you’re already under the care of a neuro, he will be better placed to deal with it. If he does want you to have steroids, he may prescribe the tablet form, which would be better for you, as you wouldn’t have to go into hospital at all.



Yeah I agree about the hospital so will hold on in there till Monday and see what he says Thanks again for the help Tina X

Yeah I agree about the hospital so will hold on in there till Monday and see what he says Thanks again for the help Tina X

Just wondered if anyone else has experienced this it does seem to be worse today and can’t bend any of my toes on left foot now ? Xx

Hi again, Cody

Everyone’s relapses are different. Symptoms depend on where lesions form in the brain or spinal cord - which is random - so it’s highly unlikely anyone would have the exact same pattern of lesions as you, and therefore identical symptoms. However, problems with movement are common - it just might not always be toes of the left foot, but could be any part of the body. It’s what happens when movement instructions from your brain can’t get through properly.

Symptoms can take a few days to come to a peak, before gradually beginning to fade. Unfortunately, they tend to fade more slowly than they came on - in my experience, anyway.

Try not to panic - you seem to be describing a typical relapse (if there is any such thing - as I say, they’re all different). Nobody wants to have a relapse, but on the plus side, I’m sure this will help towards a diagnosis, and possible treatment.

