Hello All, I had a horrible cold about 3 weeks ago and since then I’ve been having symptoms of a burning tongue and one hand feels strange. It can stay for days and then go for a couple but it always comes back. Trying to work out if it could be Tecfidera related as I’m getting a really dry mouth as well and on occasions dry eyes. Anyone had anything similar? Thank you
Now I’m going back quite a few years before I even knew I had MS, but I did have an episode of a burning tongue for a few weeks. I remember reading that it could be caused by a B12 deficiency. Mine just disappeared on its own eventually, but it may be worth you googling it for more information.
Thank you for your reply Hils. I have had it before quite a long while ago but it only lasted a couple of days but this time it doesn’t seem to wanna shift. Wondering if the cold set off a relapse?
Hi Honey (Now that sounds bad lol ) i had 8 months of burning tongue and gums everytime i ate i cried tears but being a typical bloke i fought on turned out i had thrush of the mouth caused by possibly my pregabillin, since then 2013 ive had it 5 times and each time i get mouth drops and it goes but it aalways for me anyways comes back, but its an easy treatment the drops are liek the old aniseed balls we used to buy for 1/2p years back, get to your docs and feel relief soon Honey
Respect sheep
Thank you Sheep, Can you actually ‘see’ anything with mouth thrush? Oh and I don’t remember anything being 1/2p coz I’m too young hahaha
Aw, 1/2p sweets! I’ll just spend a moment here, drowning in nostalgia for spearmint Mojos…
Now you got me spearmint Mojos and halfpenny blackjacks man i wish i could turn back time lol , yep so my wife says it can get that bad that you have little white spots with it on the gums and tongue, mine has only ever been pain no spots or marks just the whole mouth made the mistake of thinking it had gone lastnight and covered my dinner in white pepper and oh yes it let me know it hadnt gone in a big way Im away to remember the days of putting jelly babies in a saucer of water and a few hours later the 1/2p ones were the size of 1p ones and the awesome winter mixtures at 1/4 oz okay im old lol
Respect sheep
Ew, Blackjacks! I’m definitely one of the people who hated them xD Blackjacks and Fruit Salads, blech! I missed out on the jelly babies trick
Hope you can eat without your mouth exploding today, sheep!
There’s me thinking I was alone in this I have had a tingling/burning at the tip of my youngest for weeks and couldn’t quite put my finger on it and now my lips burning hope I can find out what it is it’s really starting to annoy me going to phone ms nurse in the morning will let you know what she says when they get back to me but also think I’d better see dentist too just in case please let me k ow if you find anything outxx