bright light at night!

Over the last couple of nights when trying to go to sleep I’ve been experiencing bright light when I close my eyes !!

Its driving me mad keep thinking I’ve left lamp on!!!

Is this anything to be worried about? Getting really fed up of going back to doc’s every 5mins…last visit this week with a swollen tongue! ! Getting really fed up now :frowning:

Vickie x

I get that too no idea why and hadn’t really added it to my symptom list as it didn’t really bother me, as it goes away quite quickly

I don’t get full on bright lights but I do get spots of light which appear and disappear at times! I can sympathise with you cos that’s really annoying on its own! :-s Hope it ease off for you soon Mick :slight_smile:

How interesting you should say that!

I don’t have an explanation, but you’ve got me wondering how far back this MS thing might go. I remember, as a very small child - probably pre-school - complaining to my dad that the light in my room still glowed/flickered at night after I’d gone to bed and all the lights were out.

My dad, who was quite handy with such things, having installed the lighting himself, investigated, and couldn’t find any trace of what I was talking about.

Although it was not a bright light, as bright as day, it was obviously enough for me to notice and complain. I now wonder if it was a neurological thing, even then. I wasn’t diagnosed with MS 'til my mid-40s.


I get this at times in my left eye. I asked my MS Nurse and she said it was an effect of the optic neuritis I had in the same eye. It can be a random shock at times x

Thanks all for your replys… :slight_smile: Think I’ll mention it when I see my nuro next… It can be annoying at times… but luckily no pain. . Thanks again guys for your input. . Vickie x

I sometimes get bright blue lights in my left eye when going to sleep or shooting star like lights in both eyes. Not very often but when I’m really tired.


I’m not dx, but I get random spots of bright light when I close my eyes, and sometimes bright blue too…all in the same eye.

I also get random black spots when my eyes are open…again, in the same eye.

This is the eye in which I had blurred vision for 3 weeks a few months ago.

You might want to look into phosphenes and photopsias.There have been threads on these on the site before, so should come up on a search.