Does anyone else have an aversion to bright lights or colours? I’ve always been light sensitive I don’t go anywhere without my sunglasses but lately bright lights are really affecting my balance and making me feel disorientated and today some brightly coloured playing cards were making me feel the same. Anyone else got this?
Not exactly, but I don’t like main lights on, prefer lamps. Have you told your neuro?
I also have a problem with bright lights. Especially LED lights which really hurt my eyes and give me a headache but I am also epileptic so I have always had a problem with bright lights
I know this is an older post but I’d love some help with this. My employer has changed the office ligting to really bright lights, I have asked them to be turned down they refuse, I told my consultant who says its not an ms problem but I’ve only had this problem since having ms. My optician says it is an ms problem and to discuss with my consultant, its been going on for months at work and I’m fed up of it.
Any advise.
Hello Katgyal,
I have not been diagnosed with MS but it was this awful photophobia that led to the possibility and referral to a neurologist. I am currently waiting to see a Neurologist after my Opthal-Neurologist referred me.
I have had this problem for approx 5 years now (lots of being pushed around different eye Drs before finally getting to see an Opthal-Neurologist) I only have this problem in my left eye and it started with bright flurescent lighting would cause eye pain, vertigo dizziness and nausea until I could get away from the light. It then changed to all light sources and if I sheild/cover my left eye the symptoms disappear instantly.
They tell me I have an issue with my pupil not constricting as it should in the light instead it dilates more. A brain MRI showed lesions hence the referral to Neuro but I have been prescribed some eye drops though that have been an absolute godsend to me. They are Pilocarpine 2% drops and close the pupil up the relief is amazing but they are not really licensed for this problem as long term use can cause other eye problems so a permanent solution will hopefully be found.
I’m not sure if these would be useful if boths eyes affected but may be worth asking your Opthalmologist about.
I think your employers are being unfair they have a duty of care to staff and should make reasonable adjustments if somebody needs it. If you have an occupational health dept it would be worth speaking to them about it if not a letter from your GP to try to push your employer into making reasonable adjustments. Good luck!
Hi Jacs,
Thank you for your reply and advice.
I work for the government so you’d think they would be supportive but nope it’s an absolute nightmare!
When I get hot or have bright lights in the office, home, supermarket etc I tend to have an issue. Basically everything becomes duller as if its foggy put there but once the lights are off or I step outside it goes within a min or 2… very strange because car lights don’t cause the problem at all its just bright fake lights for some reason.
I’m going to see if I can see an optamologist, not seen one in 8 years and I don’t really speak to Dr’s or ms nurse or consultant, I try just get on with life but think I do need some help.
Thank you especially about the eye drop info and knowing I’m not the only one with such strange issues
Not so much daytime lights, but I absolutely have trouble seeing at night. Driving at night is almost impossible, the lights feel like sharp knives coming at my eyes, many times I have to pull over feeling I will be sick. I have not been diagnosed with MS, but have had multiple worsening symptoms over these last few years. I have seen many specialists, the last one just did an MRI two days ago, results of one spot of something on my brain scan and showing moderate to severe foraminal narrowing in my lower spine. (I have no back pain) I started this journey almost two years ago. The symptoms just kept coming and going and changing over time. First I used to be very active, even up to two years ago, owner and operator of my daycare. In the summer I had to stop in the middle of my front yard and sit as it felt like my legs were being pulled off of me and I was walking in quick sand. I get very fatigued and cannot pull myself out of it for months at a time, with a few weeks of relief then it hits me again. I have terrible night sweats now, most nights. I have numbness, tingling in both my feet almost always now. I had for about a month, gone now, but excruciating pain in my legs during the night, that made me want to vomit. I now have bladder incontinence that comes and goes. About a month ago, I had a feeling of water trickling down my left leg in the back and two weeks ago I thought I had stepped in a puddle of water with my right foot, but my foot was dry. If someone touches my back, I will start sweating terribly. A new symptom, and frankly quite scary, is my blood pressure is going from normal, to very high, to the bottom number going very low into the low 40’s. Then goes back to normal. I get dizzy, not a vertigo type dizzy, but one where I almost feel like my brain is in disconnection mode from my body for a second. Strange feeling and hard to describe. I run into things (actually ran into a glass door the other day, did not even see it) I am so tired of being sent from doctor to doctor. Have not heard from my newest doctor on my MRI results. This may sound silly to some, but I wish I could get a diagnosis of MS so that I can start to receive so help. Thank you every one for listening to me. I truly appreciate it more than you can know.
Hi Katgyal,
That’s okay I often thought I was the only one with this weird problem too. I work for the NHS so in a hospital and my work involves being in and out of theatres (incredibly bright) I love my work but this problem has often had me thinking of leaving but then I think what the hell can I do for work then that does not involve computer screens or fluorescent lights.
These drops enable me to just about function at work without feeling dizzy and sick all day but I am only supposed to use 1 drop a day I use way more as the affects only last 2-3 hours.
Another thing that may help if you haven’t already tried are FL41 glasses (a bit pricey) but since buying a pair from theraspecs I have at least been able to watch a bit of tv again.
You really should go and see your occupation health dept as after I did the next week they were in my room putting a screen cover on my pc and slightly dimmer lighting so feel like they have done all that they can do really so it’s worth a try. If they refuse to help then see your GP & get signed off sick for a while they will soon make reasonable adjustments then I’m sure.
You really need to get your GP to refer you to an Opthalmologist. I saw so many eye Dr’s over the past few years and it was only the Neuro-Opthalmologist & a specialist eye hospital (Moorfields) that were able to finally help me. Good Luck!