Breathing problems

Hi i am 25 and was recently diagnosed while being 35 weeks pregnant. I have had an MRI to determine the type that i have. Since having my daughter my symptoms have just been getting worse and worse (i had minimal symptoms throughout my life and never thought anything of the small things i felt) i thought that i may have been having a relapse but it has been bad from 10th april and just seems to be adding more and more symptoms eveyday. It started with numbness in my legs and has now ranged from bad tremours, loss of hand mobility and alot more that i cant even type here. The recently new symptom i have is that im struggling to breathe, my chest feels really tight randomly throughout the day, is this a common symptom of ms and is it possible that stress could be making my ms worse?

Hey, I’m newly diagnosed too. So i know how you feel.

Yes, srress makes it a lot worse! So does lack of sleep. I find if i have a bad night my AF plays up. So my heart races, i get so dizzy i nearly black out and my breathing gets bad. It’s a horrible feeling. But it’s temporary.

If i were you I’d talk to your doctor. Don’t worry about it but if he knows he can keep an eye on things and check it out.

I’ve found my ms makes everything play up. It seems to irritate little thing! Even my asthma!

Like i said its probably temporary but mention it just in case.

Thankyou for that, it makes me feel a little less crazy! Im seeing my consultant on thursday so hopefully it all becomes a lot clearer