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Hi Flowerpot
I haven’t been on the forum for a while. I don’t know for certain but MS plays silly games with muscles and nerves so you might not have the control you had before.

Alternatively look at your diet. Is it more common after certain foods? Some foods make us more gassy.

If youre struggling you can self refer to the Continence team. Those nurses know their stuff and may be able to help.
Good luck

I’m also struggling with my bowels bowel and bladder clinic coming to my house on Thursday going to try self irrigation fingers crossed it helps

Hi Flowerpot, I’ve had to start doing a bowel irrigation every day, as my bowel has got sluggish, continence clinic said this can happen with MS patients, it isn’t easy and I thank God for my hubby, my full time carer, as without his help I couldn’t manage, so that’s both now because my bladder is beggered as well. I’m sorry that yours is playing up, have you spoken to your nurse about this ?
Jean x

From first seeing a neurologist in 2005 and diagnosis in 2006 to the present I have never seen an MS nurse.
Bladder is now managed with Botox injections and intermittent CISC.
I fear that will stop if/when I become unable to weight bear to transfer.

Hi Flowerpot, well firstly on the MS nurse situation that’s just terrible, is that because there isn’t one in your area ? On the bladder, that’s like me, every 5mths in my case. I did have a suprapubic catheter fitted, but it kept bypassing, so I had it removed, but I’ve been told that one day I’ll have to either that redone, or a bag, oh the joy. Having this condition is no joke and folk have no clue what it’s like. People say “oh you look so well” well guess what… I’M NOT and I’m guessing you might get this too. Take care lovely lady , stay warm and stay safe.

Jean x