I was wondering whether anyone is taking Tecfedera and has been suffering with bowel incontinence. After 2 years of going round in circles with various meetings in Continence departments etc I have finally been advised by my GP that this may now be the time to see a specialist as I am so fed up with having to arrange every aspect of my life with carrying spare clothes, making sure I am always near a toilet. Travelling by plane is a particular concern which I do manage by taking an enema before hand, but of course there are never any guarantees. Worst case scenario would be a colostomy but I wonder if anyone has any suggestions or indeed has experience of an inplant fitted at the top of your buttocks that sends electrical signals to your sacral nerve. This nerve goes to your bowel, sphincter and pelvic floor muscles. The signals make the nerve behave like it should.
Out of interest I would also like to know if anyone has changed their medication from Tecfedera because of this and whether they have had any luck with a different medication.
Many thanks for reading.
Hi, I am going through a similar situation, I suffer from bowel and bladder incontinence and also constipation, I get anxious everywhere I go, I can’t travel in buses, planes, or cars as a passenger, I am only comfortable driving myself as I feel in control when driving, unfortunately I don’t have any remedies but just know you aren’t alone.