I need the benefit of your advice. I was diagnosed with RRMS six months ago and to be honest it came as quite a surprise, as my symptoms up until this time were (thankfully) mild. Since my diagnosis my symptoms have become much more noticeable, seemingly triggered by all the hot weather during the summer.
I’m finding that sometimes I have real trouble walking - balance issues, feeling dizzy, sometimes feeling nauseous, experiencing the weirdest numbness and tingling in my legs that I’ve ever felt and generally being an increasingly clumsy oaf - all accompanied by fatigue.
I’ve just had my first appointment with my MS Nurse and she assures me that these are all recognised symptoms, however owing to Covid-19 restrictions, it’s difficult to say when I’ll be able to access any physio or occupational therapy to formally assess any impact to my ability to move.
I’m struggling to figure out whether it’s worth me applying for a Blue Badge for when I’m having bad days. Having experienced a few of those bad days in the last few weeks I can really appreciate how much one would help, but when I look at the application forms they seem completely out of step (if you’ll pardon the pun) with the variability of what I’m experiencing.
I completely agree that these things need to be rigorously administered to avoid abuse of the system by people who don’t need them, but I just can’t figure out how best to fill the form out given the variability of what I’m experiencing, or whether my application would be laughed at for not being serious enough.
Does anyone have any recent experience or advice for the application process?
Blue Badge applications are looked at and considered by individual councils, I’m not sure if all councils have the same policy regarding MS, but I was told when I applied for mine with Swansea council that MS is regarded as illness that almost guarantees a Blue Badge.
Just fill in the application and describe your worst days.
Hi Kez, i also have RRMS but if I didn’t tell you’d never know. I have had no symptoms other than the 2 bouts of Optic Neuritis that eventually led to my diagnosis. I too looked at the blue badge process, out of curiosity more than anything else. I found there is no middle ground. The implication is severe disability and you are ejected from the process as soon as you confirm that is not your situation. Perhaps you could contact CAB for guidance. Good luck. Retro. x
I’d agree with jacobia’s advice, you could also ask your GP, however, even though I had such a letter it was not actually asked for by my council., but not all applications are dealt with the same, each council may have different policies ?
It was my GP that told me to apply for a blue badge. He was very helpful and supportive. As jactac said…describe your worst days and symptoms. No one day is alike with ms and although some days you may feel ‘ok’ it’s nice to know it’s there if you do need it…which as I have found it is most of the time now.
I spoke to the nurse today about a couple of things and explained that I’d had some further symptoms over the weekend - since my appointment with her last week. They’re going to get me an appointment with the neuro physio so I’m going to ask them if they can help with a supporting letter - I seem to be very lucky in that my area has a really joined up neuro nursing, physio and occupational therapy team.
If only all the local authorities were as joined up hey!?!
Physiotherapists are very helpful when applying for support. A physiotherapist gave me a very good letter, explaining exactly how Ms affects my mobility and life in general. I gave it to the PIP department when I sent in the application form and I received the high rate without a face to face interview, I was quite surprised and I’m sure it’s because of her letter.
Sorry about your diagnosis but welcome to the forum.
I have foot drop and weakness on my left leg so I applied for a blue badge saying I needed to open the car door wide to be able to lift my left leg in and out of the car. That helped.
You’re lucky.can I ask what area you live in.Ive not seen a physio yet even though I was told I would get an appointment. My pip claim has been turned down and is going to court appeal.