I’m new around here, so first of all, hi, thanks for having me
So, quick background…
About a year and a half ago I started having balance issues, and they got rapidly worse until my ability to get about had been seriously damaged and I needed a stick to walk. Other things started going wrong, such as a period of around a month where one of my feet just stopped picking up properly, rendering me more or less housebound, and I started getting double vision. I also lost a significant amount of control over my bladder and bowels. I would struggle to go when I knew I needed to, but would then suddenly have an urge to go and have only moments to respond and get to a bathroom, or I’d just start going with no control. I also started wetting myself during the night. It was kind of assumed that this was a related neurological issue. I don’t have any kind of diagnosis, although an MRI picked up CNS inflammation and multiple lesions, and MS was raised as a possibility. They tried for a lumbar but without success; after an hour and a half of getting stabbed in nerves they sent me home because it wasn’t safe to give me any more local anaesthetic.
However, now I’ve started having some issues related to female health, including, after years and years of not having periods, suddenly getting frequent and random bleeding, sometimes lasting multiple weeks without a break. The doctor seemed pretty concerned by this and has referred me for urgent scans and a smear, and obviously, what he’s checking for is cervical cancer. So I found my way to Google, and looked up other symptoms, and found that bladder and bowel issues are a frequent one.
Obviously, at this point, there’s nothing I can actually know for sure until I get more tests and results, and given how slowly everything in the NHS is moving, I know I should just make myself comfortable here in the land of uncertainty. Also, hopefully the smear and scans will show nothing of concern. But I can’t help but wonder… What has the experience of others with MS been? Are both bladder and bowel issues, combining both difficulties emptying on command and urgency issues, something that might be seen in MS?
Thanks to anyone taking the time to read this or reply