Awaiting MRI

I am 40 and been suffering for years with a long list of symptoms. My physio begged me to see the dr, who spent an hour with me and has sent me for a brain mri and to see the neurologist. My family don’t seem to care and have just labelled me as a hypochondriac. My symptoms are wetting myself non stop but having no sensation that it is happening, urology said all is fine so they don’t know why. I also have no bowel control and colonoscopy came back clear . My ribs are so tight I struggle to breathe and can’t sleep from the pain. Brainfog so bad I forget how to speak and words come out muddled and have done for years, so isn’t menopause which my family say is the reason. My hands have recently stopped working at times. They just don’t move or when they start working again, I just have no control or strength. Started in one hand and is now both. The fatigue is debilitating and every so often I feel like I am going to pass out from it. I am dizzy a lot of the time and my legs feel weak and like they want to buckle. Just so fed up with having absolutely no support and feeling so alone with it all.

Sorry to hear you have been suffering with these symptoms for so long.

It sounds like you have finally found a doctor who will take you seriously and help you get to the bottom of what is going on. Unfortunately it can take some time for medical appointments to come round, but at least you are on a path to getting help.

I think it’s quite common for family to be a bit dismissive of symptoms. Like the rest of us, they may sometimes find it hard to face up to things… but I imagine that must leave you feeling more isolated.

In the meantime, whatever your eventual diagnosis, I hope you will get support on this forum.


Hi Theresa (?). If it helps then you will find plenty of support on the Forum. I often think that those who don’t know about MS lump it together with ME and think they are both just ‘in the mind ‘ I know that some people just don’t want to know - like cancer it’s something that frightens them and they prefer to shut out and ignore the whole subject. However, everyone on this Forum and more know very well that it’s a very real condition.

Good that your physio urged you to see the Dr and that you have appointments for an MRI and to see a neurologist.