Hi everyone, I’m 3 months into my diagnosis and they’ve offered/suggested I do the Remodel-2 trial as my first treatment. I’ve been given all the info sheets etc and obviously I can decide yes or no if I want to do it or not but I just wanted to see if anyone on here is taking/has taken Aubagio or has been part of the same trial? I know that I won’t find out which drug I’ll be taking but just curious to hear other people’s experiences. I’ve heard Aubagio can cause hair loss, nausea and other issues so I’m not sure if I’m keen on that. Any advice or stories would be great!
Hi! I was diagnosed MS this spring because of several new leisions in the brain. But until now i had only “silent” relapses. Doctor adviced to start medication to prevent progression of disease. I started to take aubagio. I didnt have any hair loss, no nausea, just diarhhea. I had to check blood results every month but the changes were in limits. During the second month of taking medicine i started to feel the numbness in the left side of face and discomfort in left eyelid. It was not constant but was repeating every day, also later burning in legs started. I thought it was a side effect of medicine and after almost 2 months i stopped taking medicine. I dont know what was the reason of it, maybe stress or simply its difficult for me to accept my diagnosis and believe that one day I can feel bad… the numbness in face became less but still repeats sometimes shortly. The other doctor adviced me to start taking aubacio again and I did. He said that aubagio is the simplest medicine with minimum side effects.
I am a foreigner, sorry for possible mistakes.