Hi all
My name is Giova and am a new member. I am 56 years of age and have recently been diagnosed with MS. I am really struggling with this and not coping. Want to burst into tears and curl myself up regularly . It’s not fair on my wife and children!
Been told by consultant that I had probably been living with it undiagnosed for 17 years since I had an episode with my eyes resulting in me having to wear prescription prism lens glasses. Did not have any other symptoms until 20 months ago.
Am married with 3 teenage kids.
Work as a sales manager driving to meet clients and going by train to central London. Walking about London and using public transport is becoming increasingly difficult . Been with employers for 31 years. They started of saying “don’t worry” etc etc but detecting now some change in that. I don’t have money, am in some debt, have 2 years of mortgage left and have to get my 3 kids through uni. May as well throw in that I’m an only child with a house bound 91 year old mother with severe dementia.
Had original MRI and tests 8 months ago.
Am suffering greatly with walking (wobbling from start & worse after about 5 mins), balance, fatigue, lavatory functions, digestive system issues and all the other symptoms. Life is now just a process of existing.
Type of disease still to be confirmed but my consultant has suggested it could be ppms.
As such I have been left with many unnecessary hurdles to overcome by both the private and NHS health systems. Am now waiting for MRI scan, Lumbar Puncture and Neurofillaments test which I have no idea what it is and no one has bothered explaining it to me, what it does and its use! Does anyone know please?
Am considering paying any excess the health insurance company won’t cover for these and having them done privately rather than have to wait the scandalous 3 - 6 months with the NHS.
What is the point?? The reality is I’m worth more gone!
Every day is now one of immense worry not just for that day but for forthcoming ones. Am jealous envious of those I know who are at stage of life where they can start taking things easy, have more holidays etc…
I do not look forward to waking up and facing another day in particular when it is a work day and I have to bluff my way though it.
Thank you for reading and apologies if I’ve made anyone feel miserable.