Assessment Day!

After 90 days of waiting, my assessment day has arrived! Yay! Anyone got any last minute advice? All suggesgions welcome!


I’ve only just seen your post too late to wish you good luck.

Haven’t been for assesment so couldn’t have given any advice.

Hope it went well!

Freckles x

Assessment all done and dusted! Thanks for the good wishes! It seemed to go ok. Assessor was trained nurse and very human. I would say to anyone going through this, there is not much to fear from the process!

The outcome however could be a completely different story!


i am maybe just being thick here but assessment for what?


Hi Ellie.

The assessment to transfer from DLA to PIPs.
I believe that in Wales we have the missfortune to be among the pioneers of this new system!
If you live in England (Happy St George’s day) then you will be “invited” to change over in a couple of years time!

Cheers! and take care!


Hi Steve

just out of curiosity I’m from Swansea any idea when I’ll change fron dla to pip?


hiya steve

ah-thanks. i get dla indefinitely which means til 2015 i believe!

i will wait for st andrews day

a 90 day wait could have been anything in my experience!


Applied for first time PIP in December, so obviously I still have months to wait! Praying to get some help with Motability as desperate for automatic car and have no funds to buy one! Realistically though I know I won’t get anything, as obviously changing to PIP is just a way to save money. Cynical ! me?

hi out of interest my partner has just been dx is he entitled to this pip?