Arm weakness father with ms, should i get tested

Hello there,

I was just wondering if I could ask you wonderful lot about my possible MS symptoms.

Just before I start I just wanted to let you know a little bakground on me first if thats ok.

Well I am a 29 year old mother of 2 wonderful boys, my father has ms so maybe my concerns stem from that but i will let you all be the deciding judge on that one.

So for the last few days I have noticed in my right hand that i can’t quite manage to hold a fork properly, i know that sounds strange but that is the only way that i can describe it, it almost twists in my hand. Yesterday the sensation was the same in my right hand. I have never ever had upper body strength to the point that I struggle to do one press up, but the last few days even more so than usual, also my arms just feel weak and a little sore when I for example stir to the dinner for too long in the pan, it almost feels like my muscles have done a work out!

My memory is totally terrible, to the point that I was trying to describe a film to the mother in law today that i watched 2 nights ago and i could not for the life of me remember the story line, I had to stop talking all together and really picture it to remember.

For the last few months my 10 month old boy hasn’t been sleeping well so 2 to 3 times a night i am up and down so I was thinking tiredness but I am sleeping during the day so I can’t imagine it to be that.

Well to cut long stories short I want to go to the doctors but i’m afraid firstly incase he just shrugs it off as nothing and thinks that im being silly, and secondly because im petrified of getting ms.

Can anybody please share some light on my situation please.

Warm regards

Gemma xx

Any advice would be great xx

Hi Gemma, I understand your concerns very well, as my dad had ms too, and so when I first noticed some symptoms two years ago, I thought I’d wait and see. I figured if it was ms, it would manifest itself more clearly at some point in the future. When my symptoms intensified about six months ago, I waited a further two months before going to the doctor. I’ve got my first neuro appointment next week. As you have only had this arm weakness (something I also have) for a few weeks, I would wait a bit longer, to see if it resolves itself. That’s me though. If you are really worried, you could see the doctor. Let us know how it goes. All the best. Catherine.

Hello Gemma. Understandably you are worried about your symptoms. My advice to you is book an appointment with you gp for a chat. Your gp will either reassure you that everything is ok or book some tests for you. Your a young mum with a 10 month old…you don’t need this extra worry. Is your gp the type that would shrug you off Gemma? or does he listen…maybe you could see someone else in the practice.

I think you will be ok though, so try not to worry too much. You say your sleep is broken at night but sleep during the day so feel this is ok. I’m afraid your not getting the right quality of sleep.

The decision is yours gemma, let us know how you get on, Noreen