I started having complex partial seizures back in Dec, after an EEG and MRI it was confirmed that these were due to a left tempral MS lesion. I’m having seizures every few days, so by the time I recover from 1 seizure I have another! I find them very distressing and scary at times I have lost my driving license due to the seizures, to re-apply for my license I have to be seizure free for 1 year.
I’m due to start medication in the next couple of days but i’m really nervous about the side effects, more so than when I started Copaxone! I’ve got to start on a low dose and build up gradually to ease the sedative effects. There are so many side effects to the medication and i’m worried as i’m a stay at home mum to a 2 year old with no family around and my partner works long hours.
I just wondered if anyone has taken or taking these tablets?
Thank you for reading