Hi, have my neuro appt tomorow, I’m a little anxious as expected. I know that not everyone who has a CIS goes onto develop MS. I have lesions on brain and spine so have a much higher chance than someone without MRI evidence (around 80% i gather). I just wonderd if there is anyone on here is still diagnosed as CIS and not MS with multiple lesions ? Had my CIS in Feb, new MRI shows no new lesions and I’m around 95% recovered. I’m in no rush to be diagnosed with MS and would prefer to be in limbo land… Thanks x
I have CIS with brain lesions but am still recovering from the symptoms. Don’t like the idea of living with a black cloud above my head of a possible relapse and MS diagnosis though How have you found it?
Was diagnosed with MS today, the neuro said he couldn’t be sure though but the latest MRI seems suggestive. He also said the new lesions I have on brain and spine may be from the CIS period and might not more recent but I now could have an LP if I wanted. I guess its the 3rd MRI scan that will show if its multiphasic or not. xx
Hi Anon
I am sorry to hear your diagnosis, especially as you were happy being in limbo. I hope you are ok.
Could I ask what CIS is please? Sorry to be dense
PG xx
Clinically Isolated Syndrome. Yes I am ok thank you, i just feel the best case scenario for me now is not to have any new relapses and then in 9 years and 3 months I could be diagnosed with Benign MS. xx
Benign MS
If you have a small number of relapses followed by a complete recovery, you may be described as having benign MS.
Benign MS can only be diagnosed retrospectively once you have experienced little or no disability for a period of 10 to 15 years.
A diagnosis of benign MS does not guarantee that you will be free of problems, as a relapse may occasionally occur after many years in which your MS has been inactive.
Sometimes people call a period of mild symptoms right after a diagnosis “benign MS”. This is often shown later to have been a period of .
This means that the person in fact has - it’s just very mild to start with, or has more sensory, less mobility effects.
Thank you for coming back to me. I have had Optic Neuritis, so I suppose that would be a CIS. Seeing neurologist on Monday, so I suppose the ‘journey’ begins there.
I have everythng crossed for you that you have no more symptoms for AT LEAST 9 years and 3 months and that you get your benign dx
PG xx