Hi all, Have posted on everyday living too so sorry for repeat! Diagnosed in June and neuro at Walton Centre wants me to be seen by colleague to discuss where we go from here. He said I would get MS nurse then but waiting list for Prof Young is 3 months and feel I need help and advice with symptoms and meds before then. GP been honest and said she knows very little about MS and nurse should be my first port of call. Have rung Walton Centre nurses and left message today. Are there only 2 and if so is there a long wait to see them? Can they talk to you by phone if too busy for appt? Also it says 4 x weekly clinics at Walton?? If anyone can give me any help I would appreciate it. Thanks, Carolyne.
Hi Try fluffy
Hi Caz, the best people to ring may the patient access centre 0151 529 5475 they’ll be able to steer you in the right direction, they handle appointments. I’m still in the process of dx so the walton centre is a bit new to me too. Good Luck Caz. Frank.
Hi Caz I’ve just been reading up on the walton centre there are three ms nurses, your gp was spot on. There are dome pdf’s you can d/load concerning ms on the walton centre web site, with lots of help etc. The contact for ms nurse is 529 5645. F.
Thanks so much, have left a message for them. Answer phone said short staffed so will keep fingers crossed!
According to their web page, they should be in touch today,long time to wait though. Dx is the main thing. I have my scan next month how long did you wait for your results Caz ? F.
I was first seen in April by Dr Moore who was brilliant. I had lost all feeling and use of whole left side, previous bout of optic neuritis and few instances of numb left leg. Had brain MRI done in Fazakerley as sent their by GP with query stroke. Saw Dr Moore week later and over next 6 weeks had spine MRI, VEP, blood tests and x rays. Saw him again in June where he diagnosed MS and has referred me on to Prof Young for what I can do next. I did keep phoning his secretary, I would hope I was polite BUT firm! She was great and always kept me informed. To say it has been a shock to the system is an understatment, had run half marathon 2 days before last relapse. 38 year old mum of 2 who has never had a day off sick before this. Have recovered but am left with horrible pain every day, and think have had 2 possible relapses since then as new symptoms in places never had them before!! Prob more info than you needed there! How long have you been waiting?
I had a six week wait for my first neuro consult anf fiive for the scan making eleven total which is fast really. I was reading a post earlier about the walton centre it seems wer’e in good hands. I’m impressed with you doong the half marathon I have problems doing a half mile and thats walking. It took a long.time to get first appointment as the surgery sent me for physio on my back it was then they found out about my other problems, like bllod pressure an diabetes.So its been an interesting year for me.
Hi F Thought you went there as from the pool. Hope you get on ok with physio at least they Lund yr other probs, bit cr*p but they can sort you out. Hope you ok. @cozhoz- it’s a killer from fit and active the this, but hopefully post relapse we all be ok and we survive intact each one, but we are stronger for it. Take care all
Thanks mate you tc too F.
Hi Caz, I go to Walton and am under a different ms specialist to you but on dx met the nurse straight away, Fiona Lynch is my ms nurse her number is on the Walton website. Once dx I was told I would have 4 appointments per year taking turns between nurse and neuro. This has been the case so far and following my appointment with nurses have physio now too. I stupidly booked a holiday without checking my diary and it clashed with my neuro appointment in October. Guess when his next appointment is? September 2013! I fnd the secretary the best person to speak to as they control the appointments if you need to be seen in a hurry and have been very helpful. Good luck with your appointment. Chis
Thanks for reply! The secretary’s I have spoken to there have always been great at keeping me informed and calling back when they say they will. I feel better today, burning and pain not so bad and then I think “Oh I will just wait for Sept”. Will make sure I keep my appointments though as don’t think I can wait for 2013!! Carolyne.
Hi Chis Sorry forgot you were from that neck of woods. Did you enjoy you Olympic footie. I had a further 4 bays in London. Saw bolt run took great pic Hope you are ok
Football was fab thanks, I’m thinking that’s Mike asking!! Atmosphere was brilliant and thanks to the tip off, the parking was easy and so close to Old Trafford. Kids loved it. Wow, I’m so jealous that you got London too, bet the atmosphere was electric Chis