Anxiously awaiting a diagnosis

Hi everyone

I’m anxiously awaiting a diagnosis, I had an MRI after I had facial twitching and pulling (diagnosed as hemi facial spasm). My brain MRI showed multiple lesions and the neurologist is fairly certain that it’s MS, so certain that he and the neuroradiologist don’t think a full spine MRI is necessary at this point but rather to wait 6 months to see how much it’s spread. I had the lumbar puncture and now I’m just waiting for the results to confirm the diagnosis. I’m just so anxious and scared, I feel quite lonely and as much as I’m trying to put a brave face on it’s getting more and more difficult. I’m only 34 and had my first baby in January so this year has gone from being incredible to being scary and worrying. I’m having symptoms that I’m presuming are linked but because I don’t know what’s going on I don’t know what is actually a symptom and what is linked to anxiety. Has anyone got any tips on how to manage the anxiety and stress during the long diagnosis process? I’m also suffering from stomach upsets which I’ve read can be linked, so that’s also making me feel even worse and now I don’t want to go to places as I’m worried about needing a bathroom. Any tips or just speaking to people in similar situations would be greatly appreciated as this is all so new and sudden. Thanks x

I know it’s easy to say, but stress and anxiety only make MS symptoms worse. So try hard to distract yourself. There are many of us on here who have lived a full and active life with MS for many. If it turns out that you do have MS the chances are that it will be RRMS and there are many DMTs that will help you. Try to relax and enjoy your life. Live one day at a time.


Thanks Moirah, yes I know I need to relax and I’ve done so much research to know that we can all still live a happy and healthy life, it’s nice to know there is such a supportive community out here!

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I am very sorry that a happy time for you has been shadowed by these worries about your health. It is very hard to distinguish between anxiety and non-anxiety induced symptoms. At least, it’s hard to tell when you’re the person it’s happening to. Fortunately the scans tell their own story, so try not to worry too much about that impossibly task.

I’m sorry about the toilet problems too - whether it’s gut or bladder or both, that’s a horrid thing to have to deal with. Please do tell your medical advisors what’s going on there and give them a chance to help. And yes, of course that can be anxiety-related too, but you know what’s normal for you (even a very stressed you) and what isn’t.