

Not entirely MS related but I am concerned this problem may set off a relapse if I don’t get it sorted.

I have had a sinus infection for over a week so I am run down which I think has led to me getting myself in a state. I suffer periodically with anxiety it is generally set off by an incident and then turns into worrying about everything. I take 20mg of Citalopram a day but this time I feel like it’s not enough. I have even booked in to see a Physcotherapist which now makes me feel a like a right nut case.

I struggle to switch off from work and am constantly worrying that I am not doing a good job even though my boss has assured me he would tell me if this was the case and worrying that my Deputy feels she would do a better job if she had my job instead of me. The other week I forgot to tell her something which resulted in her quite rightly being annoyed with me and she said what she needed to and I apologised immediately and again at the end of the day and I meant it whole heartedly. She said it was done and dusted and didnt hold grudges once she said her bit it was over. I then spent the next week stewing about it and not sleeping etc. Today I went back to work after two day signed off with sinus technically wasnt due back until tomorrow but went back early to do a half day to ease myself in. We are all really busy and bless her she did some of my stuff for me even though she has loads but yet I started stewing again. I have barely eaten all day and feel sick to the pit of my stomach.

My husband is amazing and has told me to stop worrying and calm down and I know he is right but yet I can’t switch these horrible feelings off.

Sorry for the long ramble just needed to get off my chest.


Hi Tracey

I am exactly the same, I am suffering from anxiety, I probably always have. I am seeinga neuro psychologist at the moment (not sure if it is helping or not). I was on prozac and it really worked, but as I was feeling better I decided to stop taking it. I then had some health issues mainly down to a trial drug I was on.It has then made me extremely anxious, which effects our MS. I guess my GP will be starting me on Citlpram next week.

I just wanted to say you are not alone. What you describe is exactly how I feel

Take care



Don’t beat yourself up about seeing a psychotherapist. It’s much more common than you might think and hopefully it will really help you. (Please make sure that the therapist is properly qualified and registered if you haven’t gone via your GP.)

Do see your GP and ask about your meds though. For example, I think you can go up to 40mg of citalopram, but there might be a better SSRI for anxiety.

Karen x

Thank you for your messages. I saw GP today and they have increased my dose to 40mg and the therapist was lovely and has had dealings with a large number of people with anxiety issues. The thing that worries me now is she can’t help fix me!!

Our house went under offer today after 9 months on the market and we have had an offer accepted on a bungalow we like so why am I worrying so much about whether we are doing the right thing?


Tracey - understand totally and the only consolation is that you are seeking help and you’re not on your own…this time of the year can be tough for us folk who are felling low…I have posted as well because I am struggling at the moment and my GP has put me on 20mg, to try and lift me out of this hole if possible… Good luck and keep calm, if possible…

Hi Tracey,
I was having awful panic attacks. I could cope with them, but this summer they were worse. I started twitching and one day I ended up in an ambulance. I did tell the doctor that this was panic and she gave me a dose of some sort of 'azepam. It worked.

I went to my GP and we had a good long chat about my anxiety and panic - (it’s triggered by another person’s anxiety) and I started Citalopram. I’m still taking just 10mg, but it’s working.

The twitches (tics) have stopped and I can cope with the sudden rise in panic. If only I’d asked for help years ago…

I hope your move goes smoothly. It may go well and then you’ll be more comfortable.

very best wishes,



Thank you so much for your posts so nice to know I am not alone.

I was advised by pharmacist today that I should take citalopram in the morning not before bed as it won’t help me to switch off just wondering when you guys took yours?

