
Hi just wondering if you can tell me what antidepressants you all on, your opinions of them and if you’ve tried different ones. I’m thinking of giving them another go. Really wanted to stay away from them. I wouldn’t say depressed just sick of pain etc so thought if my mood could be chemically lifted it might help. I’m sick of having to physically pick myself up and try again

Hi I started taking citaloram 20mg last year after been diagonoised and they do make me feel a lot better has I was very low after been diagonoised, they seem to just take the edge of . Amanda

i take citalopram too.

if i forget to take them i certainly notice it.

my gp prescribed them because he said he knew that the diagnosis process was stressful.

good luck

I’m on sertraline and they work for me with no side effects

I’m on fluoxetine and definitely it makes me feel better, with no side effects

I take cipralex 5mg, I have been on these back a forward over 14 yrs of MS so far, I started on 20mg and reducing down now that i’m coming into the better weather (not a fan of the winter darkness) they certainly help mind you…only side effect that I have, is that they would make me gain weight but it’s better than being thin and chronically depressed.

I too am on citalopram 20mg. GP prescribes it every time I have a relapse. Has worked for me so far. Good luck Carol

Im on Fluoxetine (prozac) with no side effects. Definately works like “sunshine in a bottle”.

Dampens down those feelings of complete despair. Helps me forget my troubles and woes.

My GP assessed my state of mind, then chose the right antidepressant for me. Every month, he checks on me to see if they were working, then to keep an eye on my progress. It seems that some antidepressants dont work for everyone. So it may be trial and error, at first.

Also on Amitriptylin which is another antidepressant. Ive been taking it for years, to help me relax and get a decent nights sleep.

Side effect is weight gain - increases my epitite. But its still worth it.

Have a good talk to your GP, you can decide together what the best treatment is for you. There is so much help available out there.

Let us know how you get on.

All the best , Almond xxx

i’m on nortriptyline, i went for an appointment with my neurologist and sobbed throughout, he sent a letter to my gp, suggesting amitriptyline. my gp said that nortriptyline was also helpful with problematic neuro pain, helping to buoy up the effects of my other pain meds. as pain is my worst symptom and what stops me from sleeping and generally grinds me down, it seemed like a good fit. in short it’s been ideal, while it made me feel a little sleepy to begin with, that soon stopped. i found that, rather than making me feel tranquilised, as i’d been worried they might, they just gently levelled out my mood, making me feel so much better, more in control of my symptoms, i suppose.

i hope you can find something that helps you as much, because depression is no joke when you’re already dealing with ms and life in general. take care.

wendy x

I have recently started citalopram and have to say although I’m only on 10mg once a day I have felt a massive difference. So much more patience with my little boy, feel more positive and generally a lot happier. My short fuse is definitely not as short! X

Thanks everyone for ur replies. I’m a pretty determined person and was convinced I could do it myself. I did take citalopram 20mg for a month was no difference. It’s like I get a few good days few bad days. But the pain is getting me down. I’m on 60mg baclofen, 600mg pregabilin so should be helping really. When I took pregabilin I felt more chilled out to start but as time goes on… I think my problem is I normally have a high pain threshold no drugs when I had second at all breathing and control worked better. Had morphine the first time it’s yet to work she couldn’t believe it didn’t work at all. But I was the same when I crashed my car to get me frozen to get glass out hand took a lot of drugs. So I thought I’d try the ‘herbal’ route. It’s not for me I just felt like I’d had a bottle of aftershock and was sick over my friend. Though it let me have the best pee since the nightmare of ms began to retention at all.

My gp wouldn’t prescribe the citalopram as I too am on pregabalin and they interact with each other, came up as a warning on the system when she tried, so I am on sertraline and have been for 4 months and feeling much better and calmer.

Hi im on 45mg mertazapine high dose no side effects except sleep hence mine is taken 2hrs after my other meds at 11pm , if i miss a dose im down before the day starts & can’t sleep til 4am ish , me i think they are fantastic nightmares stopped & mood is as normal as i was yrs back.

respect sheep

Hi im on 45mg mertazapine high dose no side effects except sleep hence mine is taken 2hrs after my other meds at 11pm , if i miss a dose im down before the day starts & can’t sleep til 4am ish , me i think they are fantastic nightmares stopped & mood is as normal as i was yrs back. i was on high citalapram they didn’t work for me

respect sheep