Age of DX and Type of MS

DX last year at 33 with PPMS

I was 52 when I was dx and I was told it was relapsing remitting. I had been having symptoms for over 20 years. Most were so mild I didn’t feel the need to see my doctor.

Good luck with your appointment.

Wendy x

Concrete diagnosis 18 months ago with ms, now waiting to see what type…age 46



RRMS at 38

Hi Sonia

Dx in 1989 [aged 26]. Not told what type - just ‘go away and forget about it…’ I know now it was RRMS. Have been SP for 8 years.

Good luck with your appointment.


Hiya, I was diagnosed age 42 with RRMS had symptoms for 9 months. Taz xx

RRMS at 29 in 2000 but had ON in 1993.

Diagnosed in 1973; no types then you either had MS or not but since definately PPMS; never had an attack in my life.


Hi Sonia,

I ws diagnosed with RRMS, aged 38.

Hi Sonia,

I was diagnosed at 18 and they are still unsure of the type of MS. I am now 19

Shona x

Hello there, I was diagnosed this year with RRMS at the age of 37. However I had my first episode at the age of 34 which my doctor at the time told me was a reaction to some antibiotics I had taken. My neurologist has now told me this was my first relapse. I hope the relapses remain far apart like this for a long time but of course there’s just no way of knowing. All the best, xx.

Hi. Dx at 40 with PPMS. Was always wobbly on my legs! Ag.

RR aged 30.


I was dx’d at 46, not given any label then, but 2 years later told spms, still not doing bad, take care, Jean x

Diagnosed at 39, with RRMS. I’m 51 now and still RRMS without noticeable progression.

Dxd at 35 with PPMS

Hi Sonia, Dx in 2008 with PPMS at age 54. Had very mild symptoms for about 10 years which got worse in 2005.

Pat x

l was diagnosed at 35 - with SPMS - thats 30yrs ago.


hi sonia

38 with ppms



Diagnosed 3 months ago today age 44 after 8 years of unexplained symptoms
