Advice re Neurologist

Hi, can anyone recommend a good Neurologist in the north of England (willing to travel and see privately initially also)? I’m in Newcastle.

I have ME/CFS, long Covid, POTs, SIBO, migraine.

Since last Oct I’ve had 3 episodes of feeling extremely unwell for several days ending in problems swallowing / numb throat for 24-48 hours, and then improving. Laryngoscopy normal. I have extreme fatigue and housebound. Finding stairs, walking, household tasks increasingly difficult. Legs feel weak. Lots of muscle twitching, intermittent neuropathy feet/hands, strange ants crawling sensations, vibrations, intermittent pain in left side under ribs, once or twice on right in upper back (both when having these episodes), tinnitus right ear, pain in right jaw……list could go on and on. I don’t know if any of this sounds like I should have MS ruled out (or in)?
Scared of being told it’s nothing & not taken seriously :thinking:
I’ve never had a brain scan, had a cervical spine MRI last yr which showed degeneration and nerve compression, not sure if that would have shown anything if it was MS?

Thank you :pray: