accidental tongue biting?

I think Im pathologising everything at the minute, but just wondered does anyone else accidentally bite their tongue when eating? I do it quite hard, making my tongue bleed quite a bit, did it nearly every meal a few months back then it stopped and now ive just done it again! My tongue seems to curl up just as I do it, which is strange, and what causes me to bite it.

Hi, yeh I do this and also bite my cheek when eating…it chuffin` hurts, dont it!


Hi, yes I have noticed this in the past - constantly biting my tongue as if it fails to do as I want in the right rhythm. I am undxed tho so who knows whether it is MS? Funnily enough though reading your post, I have realsied this is something I haven’t had in quite a while (remitted maybe?) Leah :slight_smile: