Hi, i hope this is the last post i make on this forum even if everyone here seems lovely.
Last week i noticed that my legs were rumbling (i could feel it vibrate into the rest of my body) after a few days this started to move to my chest and head from time to time, but mostly stayed in my legs. The rumbling is constant but has now after a week turned into more of a small rumbling. When i stand and walk my legs feels very shaky, like how they feel after doing many squats. But luckily i can still walk normaly.
After reading a bit online i’ve concluded that MS is one of the possible things i might have. This has worried me extremely and is ruining my sleep. My doctor’s appointment isn’t before mid December (can’t afford it before that time). So currently i’m not able to let go the idea that i might have MS even if i only have one symptom that seems to rarely show up early for people. I am worried for my future, im only 28 so i feel like getting MS now is really early. It has made me really think about my mortality, which is bad since i should be focusing on exams.
I hope it ends up being a vitamin deficiency or something of that kind or just my brain being dumb.
To anyone reading this i hope you have a wonderful day and life
There are uncertainties about your health, but there’s no uncertainty about exams, so my suggestion would be to plan for thing you can plan for (exam prep) and leave the rest in the lap of the gods. There’s nothing like the discipline of study to take one’s mind off one’s troubles, so that’s double win.
I’m not making light of your worries - they’re real worries and I am sorry you have them - but now that you have a medical appointment in the diary, I think you should do your best to set your worries to one side and employ your energies on more productive work.
Thanks for the response! The symptoms have started to weaken, which comforts me since it makes me think less about possibly having MS. I know it’s common for MS attacks to come and go. Also from what i have read my symptoms seems odd to have early in MS. I haven’t experienced other symptoms so this calms me down too. Though, my symptoms do not fit perfectly into other diseases or conditions either so i am looking forward to getting help from my doctor.
I’ve also spent more of my time going on walks and focusing on being grateful for the things in my life. This autumn has really made me face the idea of my mortality. Not only because of the current symptom but because of earlier experiences this autumn.
I am trying to focus on the exams, but can be difficult since my mind tends to wander, especially now with my concerns. Again thanks for the reply
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Whilst you are of a typical age for MS to manifest, there are dozens of reasons why your symptoms maybe occuring. My mum had almost identical symptoms to you and it turned out to be a B12 deficiency. This isnt advice but an option to consider is to take 2000 micrograms of Sublingual B12 under the tounge for 3 days then 1000 every day after. Do it for a month and see if the problem continues. Its cheap on Amazon. If you going to to it then dont be tempted to save money and get cheaper swallowable tablets. It take approx 20 mins to disolve.
Only a neurologist can determine if you have multiple sclerosis, your GP can refer you when you next see them, in the meantime it’s really not worth trying to do a self diagnosis.
I was dx as a teen at the turn of the century, the internet was still in its infancy, in the past 20+ years I’ve never really thought about mortality from the disease and I was quite reassured at a MS seminar that you won’t die of multiple sclerosis; you’ll die of something else.
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