A brief beginner's guide to the brain and MRI

Will attend neurologist at end of this month … my MRI showed “ some white patches “ said my doctor when he phoned me … this article has helped me be prepared to ask informed questions then


My daughter was diagnosed with MS when in her 50’s, so 49 isn’t too old.

You most definitely need to push for answers. You are a paying customer and have the right to get the correct information. You can have MS with 2 lesions with other symptoms.

HI, Olgaka, One form of MS is relapsing remitting . That is the kind my daughter has. You have symptoms then you don’t. She is in remission most of the time. I’m not saying your husband has this, just giving information. Best of luck

Hi, Gary,

Don’t be discouraged, My daughter had 17 lesions when she was diagnosed. So she had had MS for years before the diagnosis. It has been 12 years since her diagnosis, and she is doing great. Exercise, a healthy diet and her meds keep her in remission most of the time. Best wishes

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I just got a notification, actually three notifications that there were new posts specific to August 2nd, 2018. I checked though and could not locate the new posts. Thank you, Margaret.

Hi, I’ve just got my MRI report back, all clear which is great but I am still no nearer any idea why I’m having symptoms. How do I know if I’ve had the best MRI to check for lesions? My report says diffusion and head. I didn’t have contrast.

If I had a non-contrast plain MRI done, and it shows no white patches and thus does not show any lesions, does it mean I’m cleared of MS? Or does it mean the chances of me having MS is low? Would some lesions require contrast MRI to be detected?

Hello all, I know I’m a little late to post here, but I have been searching the Internet for weeks/months/years to find answers to my symptoms. I am 30 y.o female I have extreme right hand muscle weakness and tremors. I have seen so many doctors and none can tell me what is going on with me. I have racked up so much in medical bills I would just like some advice from other peers.

I have been told I have; right hand tremors, extreme muscle atrophy, ulnar nerve damage, right facial drop and the list goes on.

My symptoms are not always there but when they are I have zero control of my right arm and especially my hand, it shakes uncontrollably especially when I go to do a task like grab a glass of water or try to point with just my index finger, I cant even hold a peace sign up with that hand, it has become basically useless to me now. It is beyond frustrating to be looking at my shaking hand with no ability to control it. I have started to notice that my face symmetry mainly my smile is starting to droop more on the right side as well. I had an MRI about a year and half ago and was supposed to follow up in 6 months but I dont have insurance now, so I cant. The MRI I had said the following(and of course I have no clue what any of this means I have been googling for hours trying to understand this again)… Any advice or support is greatly appreciated! ( Even if I am just being over paranoid :slight_smile:

There is a linear focus of FLAIR/T2 hyperintensity and T1 hypointensity along the lateral margin of the left lateral ventricle posteriorly.

There is linear focus of T2 hyperintensity along the posterior margin of the left lateral ventricle, which is hypointense on T1-weighted sequences.

There are a few tiny foci of nonspecific FLAIR and T2 hyperintensity in the periventricular and deep white matter of both hemispheres.

I Alltest, scans came back negative. I have all symptoms of ms. Where do i go from here!

Hi I’m new to all this !! I’m wondering what my scan means It says a few small areas of high T2 signal in both frontal lobes ?? Can anyone help me please

Here is my story so far…

About 2 years ago when getting my annual eye exam, my eye doctor said I needed to get checked for MS because some of my vision related symptoms were common with MS patients. He said he would call me with info and never did. I went back to him for my next annual visit and my vision had not changed and all went well. Then, in October something happened to my body. First, the I became incredibly sensitive to light, became faint, racing heart, muscle spasms in my back, numbness down my arms, weakness in my legs, severe headache, and pain behind my eyes. It was awful! I went to my GP who ordered bloodwork, an EEG, and an MRI. EEG was normal and my neurologist said it all sounded like a migraine, so ordered me a cat scan. That all came back normal too. So, then the eye symptoms would not fully recover and my vision changed and light sensitivity stayed at a low level.

Then, in December, another “event”(migraine) or whatever the heck it was where all the symptoms came back, but at a lower level. It happened again in January. I went to my eye doctor and he saw cells in my eyes. Thinking it was possibly an infection he gave me prescription drops. They did not help. I went back and he saw something that made him give me info to a Neuro Opthalmologist for a full MS work-up.

The neuro-opthamologist observed me towards the end of the January symptoms. She saw a thinning of the nerve in my left eye and said it could be evidence of optic neuritis or a birth defect. So, she set me up for an MRI with and WO contrast. I went and this was what was reported: “There are no significant intracranial white matter lesions. A solitary 2 mm focus of increased T2/FLAIR signal intensity in left anterior parietal deep white matter which is nonspecific. there is no MR evidence of intracranial demyelinating disease”. They want to repeat the MRI in 6 months. Should I rule out MS in my mind and pursue tests for other causes of my symptoms?

Hi - I have been getting some tingling in the right side of my face so I had an MRI and am wondering if you feel the following could indicate MS? I’m a 66 year old male with no other symptoms: “Two minute foci of white matter T2 hyperintensity are seen in the right parietal lobe on coronal image #13 of series #5. No other white matter signal alteration is demonstrated”. Full MRI report: History: 66-year-old male with numbness in right side of face Technique: Multiplanar, multisequential MR imaging of the brain was performed without intravenous contrast. No previous study is available for comparison. FINDINGS: Echo series demonstrates there is no restricted diffusion. The corpus callosum, sella turcica, pineal region, and craniocervical junction demonstrate no anatomic abnormality. No intracranial edema is demonstrated. Two minute foci of white matter T2 hyperintensity are seen in the right parietal lobe on coronal image #13 of series #5. No other white matter signal alteration is demonstrated. There is no evidence of intracranial mass. The ventricles and sulci are normal in size. No extraaxial collection is seen. The basal cisterns are patent. There is complete opacification of the right maxillary sinus with findings consistent with severe mucosal thickening. The possibility of a polyp cannot be excluded. Mucosal thickening of multiple sided ethmoid air cells is present and a small mucosal retention cyst is seen in the left maxillary sinus. The mastoid air cells demonstrate no abnormal fluid. IMPRESSION: 1. No significant intracranial abnormality is demonstrated. 2. Opacification of the right maxillary sinus is consistent with severe mucosal thickening and the possibility of a polyp in this region could not be excluded.

Believe me, nothing is as bad as our imagination! Knowledge is power! Sharing your thoughts and fears is a huge help too! You’ll always find someone who has been through or is going through exactly the same as you are. Just knowing that you’re not alone and that you’ll always find a sympathetic ear and good advice and support here makes a huge difference! Love Juliexx

It is very useful it is for me to be able to read the contents that I get to read that I read that are posted on here I am as I have sine I was diagnosed with primary progressive MS from an MIR scan that I had done a coulde of years ago and since then I have been signed off work with a disability pension allowance.

Thank you, that’s very helpful. If a consultant orders an MRI because he is looking fir evidence of a stroke, would it be likely that the MRI would not necessarily show the signs of MS?

Thank you so much for doing this, It is written so anyone can understand it.
I’ve had 2 MRI scans to date & viewed the first one, so interesting to find out exactly how the scanner produced the images and what the little white mark’s on the images actually are!
(My neurologist did say they were lesions but you have explained further)
Thank you again for doing this. :blush:

how many interesting things are here

Thank you for this post. Brilliant work which I found very helpful.

