Work dispute

I was suspended from work as a nurse in the nhs. I have PPMS. The reason for suspension was that the management were unclear of support needs for me and falling over in the kitchen without my crutch. I thought I could manage as I was only putting my cup away. (Wrong there). They have discussed places I could work although this owould be on the first floor and not considered safe. I am still suspended 10 weeks later. My union rep is unsure whether this is discrimination due to disability. I think it is.

It might be worth getting some legal advice to clarify your position.

MS legal advice service | Multiple Sclerosis Society UK (

That sounds like a tough situation, Dave. It might be worth exploring if this could be considered discrimination due to your disability.

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Hi Dave
This sounds like a really stressful situation ,have you sought union support and advice as well as occupational health ,I would say they need to be doing more to support you ,good luck

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Hello Dave,
Yes, I believe it’s not compatible with the Fire Safety Order for us to be working above ground floor level, due to our disability. Hope your work dispute can be resolved soon.

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