will my GP share the results with me?

Hi everyone

This is the first time I write in the forum after weeks of reading it.

Im in my 30’. Two months ago I started to have tingling, numbness in my feet, arms, pain, memory problems, walking gait problem (twice) and tiredness. after 6-7 weeks most the symptoms are gone.

GP has referred me to the neurologist (appointment in a couple of months). He also arranged a head MRI which I had two days ago. The clinic will send the results to the GP in 5 working days.

Im really anxious about the results, my symptoms seems so obvious. My question is, Would my GP share the results with me?? even if they are not good?

I cant stop thinking about this and I dont have anyone to talk about whats going on. thanks for listening


Welcome to the forum.

So the problem you have is that your GP is required to tell you something about you, if you ask. But the question then is whether they (let alone you), have the ability to understand the radiologists report.

You need to know that even if the MRI might indicate to a neurologist that MS is the cause of your symptoms, only they are able to make a neurological diagnosis. Your GP cannot make a diagnosis of MS or any other neurological diagnosis. Since you are on this site, I assume you are thinking it’s MS (or might be).

You should be aware that many of the symptoms associated with MS could also be caused by other diagnoses. So don’t set stock in a diagnosis of MS. It is likely not to be.

I really hope that your answer is not too far away.
