Who knows alternative treatment underscribed by Dr D Wheldon?

I just picked up a conversation on the Dutch website where someone claims that an alternative treatment, that more or less consists of killing of bacteria over a longer period, gives most wonderful results (and sincere apologies if the story is slightly different…).

As usual when these stories enter the site, rejection of that kind of claim follows soon after (and a little war of words is most probably still ongoing, which itself creates an alternative ‘therapy’ against fatigue, but only by suspension…)

I just wondered if anyone is familiar with a Dr David Wheldon ‘from England’ who seems to underwrite, together with someone (sorry, forgot the name) from the USA, this claim??

Thanks for this - its always good to look outside the box - there was something about having an ‘internal parasite’ inserted - that l

think killed bacteria. Probably got that wrong - but still an interesting thought. lt took the medical profession many years to realise that stomache/duodenal ulcers could be cured simply with anti-biotics.

lf you find out anymore - let us know as soon as possible.


Just googled Dr David Wheldon - is wife Sarah Longlands has MS - and he has been treating her ‘successfully’ with a cocktail of anti-biotics

and also a regime of B12/D3 Alpha lipoic acid/Acetyl L Carnitine -Magnesium and many other supplements. Have a look and read her story.

And the results of her recent MRI’s

Shall be printing off the info and take it to my GP for her to peruse.

Our ‘doctors’ must love the internet!!!

Hi Campion

I finally found the correspondence on the Dutch website that I was referring to yesterday…, but only this morning I realised that this correspondence took place around 2½ years ago… (is probably why it took so long when I wanted to have another look…)

It was extremely detailed (too detailed for my suffering brain at that point…) but seemed very interesting, although did not seem to be that practical for my situation.

The website address is htpp://www.davidwheldon.co.uk/ ms-treatment.html , have a look (if you are rested…) and decide yourself.

Apologies for the fact that it is not as recent as I thought, it’s probably a good thing that I am no longer working in bookkeeping…

Regards, Jos

I’d really like to know whether you pursued the antibiotics therapy proposed by doctor Wheldon. Is it worth exploring?