Hi everyone hope your all wellI
I currently do a small amount of walking at home if you can call it that! Every shuffle is so painful and slow. The problem I now have is that the wheelchair i have is difficult for my family to push me around for long, (I’m not the lightest) so when going out for day trips I take my boot scooter. Then starts another problem very difficult to now get on. And my legs slip off don’t have much control with them. Also my arms really ache and neck.
My wheelchair is from wheelchair services, and I think an electric one would be right for me now. But they won’t consider giving one if you can still walk.
I no that yes I can still stand up and shuffle a bit but don’t consider this walking at all. I spend most of my day in a chair.
I feel I’m stuck in the middle anyone else feel like this?
I find myself saying no I’ll stay in because I can’t do will the hassel , and putting people out and spoiling there day. Plus I no when I get back I’ll pay for the discomfort and all the effort with my scooter.
Hi, I’ve seen a wheelchair on the internet that I really like the look of. It’s called a Beatle Power Chair. But it looks pretty expensive. A few years ago I was referred to Wheelchair Services for an indoor/outdoor electric wheelchair, but when we got there they said I was only eligable for an indoor one so I didn’t bother. The indoor one they showed me looked more like an electric chair! I was recently referred again by my OT, but couldn’t make the first 2 appointments I was offered as my husband couldn’t get the the time off work. I’m now at the back of the waiting list again. I asked the OT if Wheelchair Services would supply a Beatle, but I was told my first appointment would be more of an assessment to see what would be suitable given my possible progression. If I am eligable and they can’t proide what I want, they mentioned something about Direct Payments which I could put towards the cost. Seems like it’ll take a long time going through the system. Heather
Hi Tess, it’s a shame that the criteria for electric wheelchairs is different in each borough.
When I went to wheelchair services in my borough (Haringey London) they practically forced an electric w/chair on me even though I can still walk a bit and I only wanted a manual (I use scooter in local area)… anyway they did give me a manual and said if ever I want an electric I could go back to them.
Here’s a link to the MS Society grants page where you can apply for funding…
Good luck,
Pat x
Hi Tess,
Ask your OT to refer you back to wheelchair services again requesting an electric chair, or to give you a payment towards the chair of your choice.
Hope this helps
When I first went to wheelchair services they would only give me an indoor chair as I still had some mobility. I had the chair for about 12 months and asked for a reassessment. I now have an indoor/outdoor chair which I love.
In the waiting period I bought my own outdoor chair because I simply can’t self propel and without it I would have been housebound. I was very angry about this because I felt that although I could walk a few steps it wasn’t functional walking. I couldn’t get myself to the drs or the hospital let alone to social events.
Applying for a grant may be the way forward – Pat has given you the link. Although I only had to use my own chair for a year before wheelchair services came through I felt that it was worth every penny of my overdraft!
In my area wheelchair services supply Invacare chairs and Quickies (Rumbas, tangos, Salsas etc) If you want anything different you have to take a voucher and buy it yourself. They offered me a voucher of £2000 which is what they paid for my current chair. However if I had tried to buy my chair (Quickie Salsa) they are about £3500 -4000 so I think you are better going with what they provide if possible. (Plus they do all the servicing)
Thanks for all your advice
I’ve been back in touch with wheelchair services, and am waiting for an appointment.
I hope things go well as I cannot afford to buy one myself.
I have had a grant from ms society before, but really don’t like asking again. They were great! And there are so many in need.
I do receive direct payments for care. But don’t think it covers items such as wheelchairs etc. But I will ask and see what they say.
I didn’t have a clue they were so expensive! But like everything else it’s always a postcode lottery.
I’ll keep you all posted in how I get on
Tracy x
Hi, Thanks for your feedback, Jane. What I like about the Beatle is that it also has vertical lift but I expect other makes do the same. Your point about the servicing and repairs is also something I’d not considered. I’ll give Wheelchair Services a ring tomorrow and find out where I am on the list. Heather