Hi I don’t come on here very often but boy do I need some advice and reckon this is the best place to get it.
My role is being made redundant and I’ve got to add here that I’ve been very lucky. Firstly because I’m still able to work (albeit with some help) full time and secondly I was diagnosed 20 years ago and for now I’m still at the same company. I’ve been working compressed hours so that I work 9 days out of 10 and this has been an unbelievable help.
I’m now working my notice and have been looking for another job.
So far I’ve applied for 3, the first I’ve already had an interview for. I would love that job and did really well at the interview the downside is it’s more hours, will take twice as long to get to and there is no flexible working. So even if I’m lucky enough to get the job I won’t be able to take it.
The second my application is being progressed, it’s more hours than I work at present and as yet I don’t now if I will be able to work flexibly.
I’ve not disclosed on either of these 2 that I have MS.
The third state that they ‘supports the Positive about Disability Scheme. Candidates with a disability who meet the minimum criteria for the post will be guaranteed an interview.’ I still put the same effort into the application as the other 2 . The only difference was that I disclosed I have MS. Now as I have 5 years experience in the role I’ve applied for and got the qualification requested I foolishly thought that I would get an interview.
Not the case I got an email today stating that my application has been unsuccessful. Spot the irony.
After my colleagues peeled me off the ceiling I sent an email back. I’m really proud I didn’t rant and call them every name under the sun. I calmly reminded them that they support the Positive about disability scheme and asked what minimum criteria I didn’t meet.
What I need to know is how far do you think I should take this? I’m not even sure that I will go to an interview now if I manage to get one, or is that cutting my noise off to spite my face. And if I don’t get an interview should I go after them for discrimination?
Sorry about the rant but you are probably the only people that will understand my frustration.