What a lot of COBRAS

I was very surprised to find out that this Esperanza Neuropeptide (a treatment for MS that is a mouth spray) has something to do with Cobra Venom. See http://www.esperanzapeptide.net/home.php

As some of you know I’ve been taking by subcutaneous injection once every other day for 30 years a fraction of 3 diluted; 1 part venom to 3000 parts saline solution the venoms of the Cobra, Krait and Pit Viper. I am NOT recommending this treatment; I don’t know the exact figure but it costs a few thousand pounds to start the treatment then the cost for a new spray every 2 months. My injection costs about £60 for 3 years supply.

Like any of these new treatments like CCSVI (the Liberation Treatment) and HST (Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation) a lot of research must be done by you. The furore that something may work for you should be detached from the equation and only facts taken into consideration.### ### I do though feel we are all grown-up to make our own decision; just as the MSRC ethos; give us the information; we can then decide,### ### George