Weight Loss..slightly worried

Hi All and hope you’re all bearing up.

Basically I have lost a lot of weight this past six months despite my diet remaining pretty much the same. I exercise with slightly greater intensity than usual but nothing too outlandish. I’ve gone from a reasonable 13st 4 to 12st 5, which I should be happy about but I’ve not been this light since c.1995; My trousers are falling off me!

I’ve been told that with PPMS your muscles have to work twice as hard as anyone else so that even walking for 10 minutes is the non-MS sufferers equivalent of a 20 minute jog. Not sure if this is completely true but it might explain things.

And my muscles do tremor/tremble a lot during the day. Any other thoughts, stories to share would be much appreciated as I’m beginning to get a bit parnoid about this.

I wouldn’t worry a massive amount, it could be a number of non threatening things, stress for example, while I was going through the symptoms with no diagnosis last year I went from 10st 5 (I’m only 5’8, dispense the sniggers) to 9st 5, and now I’m consistently between that ant 9st 9-10. I mean if it is concerning you, and I’d understand why it would be,a trip to the docs wouldn’t hurt

I agree with Dave, stress definitely can cause weight loss, but if you are concerned see your gp. I hope it’s nothing but if you see your gp they can monitor it and take the stress away.

Take care

Cath xx

I agree with Dave… don’t worry too much. Could be down to so many things… a drug that you’re taking or a drug that you’ve stopped taking, exercise, maybe eating healthier even if you haven’t made an effort to do so. You might be overdoing it a bit esp have you are having muscles trembling etc. I usually get that when I’ve been overdoing it. I think it sounds like exercise doing it… and that you are pushing yourself a bit too hard. If you’re really concerned, go and see your GP… but you are still a very healthy weight and I doubt if it’s something to be worried about. Pat xx