weak feeling in chest

This is an odd one, don’t know if it has got anything to do with MS.

I have a feeling of weakness in my chest, slight breathlessness but not gasping. I have no pain or cough.

It feels an effort to fill my lungs with air. My heart also feels a bit fluttery but not pounding palpitations.

The feeling is there when moving around and at rest, so it’s nothing to do with exertion.

I have generalised weakness and fatigue, so i’m wondering if this is related ?

I have had this weak feeling in my chest for about 4 weeks now and have had it in the past but not lasting very long.

Any thoughts on this ?

Thanks, Lisa

My friends husband had the same sort of feelings in his chest and he was diagnosed with hypertension. Or could it be anxiety that your just not aware of? If I was you I’d see your GP xx

Hi Lisa

I would agree with Lisac.

I had similar for a few weeks shortly after being diagnosed. My neuro, gp and MS nurse all put it down to stress/anxiety.

I hope yours doesn’t last long but do get it checked by your GP.

All the best xx