waiting for a LP

Hey there. I’m 50 and cis female.
I got a sudden onset of loss of sensation below the ribcage before Christmas. I have a dodgy back (used to be a Paramedic) and assumed it was that, but it scared me as it affected the feeling on the inside too, around the bits you need for using the loo. It went around end of January.
I feel thankful to have been listened to from the off and I had a brain/spine MRI. Even with a medical background I found myself too scared to ask questions when the neurologist told me about lesions and demyelination. His letter has referred me for an LP and to the MS Clinic with a diagnosis of ‘probable MS’. I have finger tingling and Lhermitte’s positive but it’s hard to know the cause, could be MS or could just be my rubbish back. No other issues apart from weakness after a walk and that could be peri-menopause stuff. All in all I just don’t know. I don’t feel like I fit the bill for MS and feel like a fraud. On the other hand the MRI wasn’t ‘normal’. Just needed to vent to people who understand. Thanks for listening.


You are not a fraud, that is for sure. The lumbar puncture should add another piece to the diagnostic jigsaw. I hope the wait isn’t too long.


Thank you, I appreciate your words.

Hi AERH, Ziola’s right - you are not a fraud. I think we’ve all had moments of questioning our own feelings, bodies etc. Hang in there.

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Thanks Theresa