Waiting and wondering

I saw my 2nd neurologist today after MRI showing lesions. They have told me it looks like MS based on shape and pattern of the lesions but need more info. Booked in for another brain MRI and spinal one with dye in approx 2 months. The waiting is unbearable. I. Nervous that we still may have no clarification after the next scans. The whole process to diagnosis seems so complicated and lengthy. How did you all cope?

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Diagnosis can be lengthy or indeed very lengthy. The best way to cope, I think, is to live in the present and make sure you set aside some time to do things you enjoy.

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I went through a very similar process……

I’ll try to skim it down. Saw a GP,
Sent for MRI, Saw a Neurologist who said it was almost certainly MS. Referred to inflammatory clinic. Saw another neurologist. Said they needed further information. Sent for LP. Sent for MRI with contrast.

This all took almost two years from my initial GP visit where I was struggling to walk and had horrendous pins and needles and numbness in my legs.

At first I was annoyed. Very annoyed. If the first neurologist said it is almost certainly MS, why all the further testing? As it turns out, they can see that between the original MRI and the second with contrast and the results of my LP that my MS had constantly been very active and I have been sent for second line treatment, which I start on Monday. It’s apparently the best treatment too. I wouldn’t have been given the option of Tysabri, which is apparently the Rolls Royce of treatments available, had the second neurologist not sent me for further testing.

Ziolas advice is spot on. Keep calm and carry on. Have faith that there is method in what looks like to us, their madness.
