Starting almost 3 weeks ago I started getting double vision. I went to my eye doctors today and she said she doesn’t know why I am getting double vision, because my eyes look 100% healthy. I was referred to a neurologist back in January and am still waiting. I also went to the ER on sunday, as I had friends and family prodding me. The doctor really didn’t do much, but he made me do a few of those neurological tests, and he made me do the one where you close your eyes and touch your nose, I didn’t touch my nose but the top of my mouth, so he recommended trying to get my appt moved up. Now from all of the research I have done, it says that MS only causes binocular diplopia and not monocular. I have the monocular, and am wondering if anyone else has had monocular diplopia. The eye doctor has no clue. I am seeing my family doctor in the morning.
I have had double vision twice both times lasting approx six weeks. I understand from various threads/posts on here that this varies from person to person, it can be a shorter time or last longer. If you go back through all the threads you will find a number relating to vision and you might get some of the answers you are looking for. I found I could not use a laptop or PC at the time because i couldn’t see properly and it hurt my eyes, the only tip I can give you is to try an eye patch I achieved single vision when I did but it did put a strain on my eyes. Hope you get relief soon. Jan Ps I went to opticians first time I got double vision and he couldn’t see anything either. Second time my G.P could see which nerve was affected…go figure!
I get double vision only when lying down I get black and white spots in both eyes known as floaters had it a year my eye specialist said he thinks I have auto immune disease seeing a ms specialist and having tests. Seeing eye specialist on 16th although he may discharge me had my vision problems for a year I struggle to read small print.
I went and saw my family doctor today and he is sending another letter to see if he can get the neuro consult sped up. I just want to know what is going on with me, whether it is ms or something else, or even nothing.
I went and saw my family doctor today and he is sending another letter to see if he can get the neuro consult sped up. I just want to know what is going on with me, whether it is ms or something else, or even nothing.
Double vision is an urgent referral to Audio Visual Medicine or Neurology. Glad to hear you went to ER. Your GP should know that it is an urgent referral.
I have come across some references where MS can also be a factor (albeit rarely) in monocular diplopia