Vibrations- buzzing?

Does anybody else get this weird feeling as if your whole body is vibrating inside? This is accompanied by odd tingles, buzzes or very quick flashes of pain in different areas. Just to finish it off, i also have tinnitus of the whooshing or hearbeat variety! İt isn’t a relapse as it doesn’t last very long - an hour or two- but it’s quite disconcerting.

Hi,I get vibrations/buzzing in my lower legs and feet.This has been going on on and off for about 3-4 years I think.I can go for ages without having it.It’s a strange feeling alright,but I’ve got used to it.I’ve started getting pains and cramps in my feet now as well

Don’t know if this is any help.Hope it wears off for you soon.

Take care Brenda x

Could be L’Hermittes or a derivative of. L’Hermitte’s sign describes electrical buzzing sensations in the limbs and body brought on by movement of the neck. These sensations are known as paraesthesia and include tingling, buzzing, electrical shocks, partial numbness and sharp pains. L’Hermitte’s is most often triggered by lowering the head so that the chin touches the chest. The sensations usually only last for a second or two. It has been called the “barber shop” symptom because it is often evoked when the hairdresser asks you to lower your head when he or she shaves the back of your neck.

L’Hermitte’s is associated with a number of conditions including arthritis, cervical spondylosis, disc compression, pernicious anaemia, tumours and multiple sclerosis. In many cases, the cause cannot be found.

Because the cervical spinal cord is a frequent target for multiple sclerosis it is a very common symptom of MS. Aproximately two thirds of people with multiple sclerosis experience L’Hermitte’s symptom at some point during the course of their disease.

In MS, L’Hermitte’s is an indicator of lesions in the cervical spine (the part of spine in the neck). Movement of the neck causes the damaged nerves (the demyelinated neurons) to be stretched and send erroneous signals. The symptoms can occur anywhere below the neck and many people with MS find that it moves around their body from one day to the next.



Thanks for your replies. İ don’t know how long and how severe it should be before i go to see the drs again.

I recognise the vibration and tingling only too well as I have had it continuosely for over a year. I was prescribed Gabapentin then Pregabalin to try and turn it off but all it helped with was a good nights sleep. I am now on Carbamazepne but that isn’t working and I don’t even benefit from a good nights sleep. I do sometimes think that exercise makes it worse but havn’t found anything that makes it disappear. I find it difficult to ignor particulary when I go to bed at night or sit down for a rest like now.

Take care and keep s’myelin


I also get this most of the time and have for about 6 years. For some reason or other (don’t know what!) it will suddenly stop for a few days or even a few weeks, and then it’s just as suddenly back and sometimes for months at a time. I’ve tried Amitriptiline and Gabapentin but neither of them touch it.

Although I call it buzzing I actually think it feels more like a constant vibration mostly in my legs and creeping up through my body.

A couple of years ago I was in a shop and stood next to a large chest freezer which was on a wooden floor. That was it!!! I was able to say to my friend ‘stand here. Feel it? That’s what my vibration feesl like’.

I agree with Kaz that exercise seems to make it worse and the worse my fatigue is the worse the vibrations are.

Pat x

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