Hello everyone hope all is well. I very recently got diagnosed with MS, which was a massive shock. I thought I was prepared for the diagnosis. I obviously wasn’t haha it’s hard to get my head around it all. Sometimes I feel myself sat there staring into space, I didn’t think it would affect me how it has. So many questions what happens next whats the meeting with the nurse about and like. What are the treatments my Consultant explained just a few treatments. It’s all so overwhelming, so I hope by joining that I can talk to new people and come to the realisation of it all and go on the journey all together Thanks
Hi Glyn…yep, it’s a difficult time when you get your diagnosis. Was there much time between start of symptoms to diagnosis?
It varies so much from person to person.
Which type of MS will determine which DMDs you are offered. That stands for disease modifying drugs.
There are many, but I’m afraid I cant offer any advice, as I’ve had PPMS for over 23 years, so never had any. It took 22 years to get my firm diagnosis.
Your MS nurse will put you in the picture about them.
Best advice I can give is;
pace your activities
get good rest when you can
accept help when you need it
NEVER question why or how you got it…there are no answers to that one!
Look after yourself chick.
Hello Glyn
Welcome to the forum. I completely understand why you’re so shocked to find yourself here, with this diagnosis. Regardless of symptoms, tests, expectations, once you’ve heard the doctor say ‘yes it’s MS’ (or unfortunately these days, opened the email or letter), you can’t ever not have heard the words.
With regard to the treatments, I imagine you’ve been diagnosed with relapsing remitting MS. The reason I think that is most people (about 85%) have the RR variety as opposed to progressive types (these are either later developed ‘secondary progressive’ or as Bouds has, ‘primary progressive’). People are often diagnosed with RR initially even if it later becomes clear that their variant is progressive.
The treatments the doctor mentioned to you are DMDs as Bouds said. Here is a link to a site which details the currently available drugs: MS Decisions aid | MS Trust Your neurologist will have listed the few which are available to you at present.
Instead of being offered free choice of all the drugs, the doctor will have needed to work out how ‘active’ your MS seems to be at present. They’ll also not necessarily have the systems set up at your hospital to dispense all the drugs.
The various DMDs should be considered in the light of a) possible relapse reduction, and b) potential side effects. Basically, it’s a case of getting the most effective drug for the least side effects, depending on your present risk of relapses (ie how active your disease is).
Do ask your neurologist and MS nurse what they’d recommend from the drugs on offer to you. Clearly you don’t have to take any DMD. You will need to weigh up your choices and discuss them with your family and friends.
Your meeting with your nurse is likely to be of greatest use to you - nurses tend to want to talk about symptoms, relapses, DMDs, and not forgetting your feelings about the diagnosis. So prepare for that meeting by having a list of questions.
Meanwhile, if we can help, we will do. Just keep in mind that we can only give you the benefit of our own experience and knowledge. So don’t rely on anything we say!! Further information is available on this website and the MS Trust website.
Best of luck.
Thank you for your advice. I started symptoms in February, then had my confirmation Friday. So from what I’ve seen it us pretty quick compared to some people and yourself. I appreciate everything that you have said and will definitely take it all on board. Thank you
Hi Glyn
I’m new to this lovely club too.
Joined here as want to get to know others in same boat, learn and support each other.
I have no info on treatments for you as not investigated yet, am seeing neuro next week, so will know which way to go.
So, am useless info wise but am here to chat and will follow what people have advised you if ok…
Thanks x
Hi, that’s what we all need is a chat sometimes. As they say a problem shared is a problem halved. What ever I’m advised by anyone, I’m happy for anyone else take note of it were all in this together at the end of the day. I hope all goes well with the neuro, I am just waiting hear off my ms nurse then see the consultant again. So fingers crossed I get some sort of plan. Also I’m happy share what I get told too.