Very harsh new descriptors for mobility re Personal Independence Payment

Moving around.

a. Can stand and then move more than 200 metres, either aided or unaided. 0

b. Can stand and then move more than 50 metres but no more than 200 metres, either aided or unaided 4

c. Can stand and then move unaided more than 20 metres but no more than 50 metres. 8

d. Can stand and then move using an aid or appliance more than 20 metres but no more than 50 metres. 10

e. Can stand and then move more than 1 metre but no more than 20 metres, either aided or unaided. 12

f. Cannot, either aided or unaided, –

(i) stand; or
(ii) move more than 1 metre. 12

I am not asure if any of you are aware but this list of descriptor and points are the second draft and likely descriptors for the DLA replacement PIP (Personal Independence Payment). I must admit that I am completely gobsmacked at what the DWP have done to replace DLA and they are making it so much harder for genuine claimants to get disability benefits that they need.

I know that they say that the DLA bil has risen drastically and it has due to people with mental health issues being successful in claiming it increasing exponentially whilst people with physical health problem numbers have stayed pretty much consistent. I know that they have to save money somewhere but as far as the mobility component goes isn’t this too drastic.

What was the threshold for getting the high rate under DLA is now the descriptor for the Standard rate of PIP and to get the Enhanced Rate of Moving Around on PIP you have to get 12 points. This is quite worrying for me as I don’t know if I will qualify for it. What they are saying is that the first descriptor to get the enhanced rate is for people who can barely move around their homes and have to use a wheelchair to be able to go out. The rates for this part of PIP stay the same as they were for DLA. lower and higher rate Mobility. Just thought that I should gibve everyone the heads up, but, please be aware that if you have DLA indefinitely that you wont be expected to claim PIP until 2013.


Sorry that should read not to clain it until 2015. Sorry for the mix up!!!

Yes its all very unfair…

When it says unaided does it mean, can you go so far without discomfort? As what I understand it is the same people and rules taking over as the ESA people (god help us)… that is the way they use the question in their sheets.

I know what they said about the saving money and any person with half a brain can answer there questions…

Why is there more people on DLA? Because there is more people in the country now.

Why is there more people gettimg sick in Britain, because there is more people here to get sick.

Also I have a mental health problem aswell as MS and I am getting nothing but trouble from ESA…

The PIP for us already on it will start going round Oct 13, it is best to not worry about it now as there is nothing we can do about it, just be prepared x

these forms don’t allow you to say how unpredictable ms is.

what i can do today is not necessarily what i’ll be able to do tomorrow.

i’m trying not to get stressed about it because stress means more angry symptoms.

good luck to everyone who has to jump through all these hoops. (ha ha as if! jump through hoops?)

carole x

It looks like a case of repeating the old advice - on any official form, put down your very worst day.

There is an incredible amount of literature about PIP. It all need reading through slowly and carefully.
Now, PIP will not (as yet, under currently proposed legislation) apply to me, but if it did, and it looked like I was going to lose out - I would appeal.

I found one document that suggested that they expect no appeals for the first six months (?) and then quite a lot, tapering off quite quickly…

Fine, prove them wrong!


im in the same position as you with ms n mental health problems, im being sent to atos for a assessment tomorow to see if i should even be on esa, if they decide i shouldnt then they will kick me on jsa instead, im scared to hell

Hi, I also have mental health problems and MS… I had a medical assessment for ESA last year and was literallly in the room for five minutes - I was put into the support group - the report stated that mental health issues put me straight into the support category and that there had been no need to take the MS symptoms into consideration.

I found the application forms harder than the assessment, so I guess we’ll all have that to look forward to again in the next few years… Cx

i hope have your good luck with my assessment, im literally crappin it as i dont trust atos as far as i could throw them on a good day, i hope i have a assessor who knows what they are doing

Hi Chubbster,

How are you - it seems a while since l have seen you ‘on the boreds’ as woblyboy puts it.

There is a new thread about a fraudalent DLA claimant from ‘anon’. l expect there are as many folk who do not claim who should -as there are folk who cheat the system. l am one who really should claim for more as my condition has worsened. lts my opinion that many benefits should be means tested. Plenty of rich people can claim DLA - Attendance Allowance - even child benefits - and of course the pensioners heating allowance. This is where savings could be made - and given to those who really need more help.

Best wishes to you - down in lovely Sussex.



Just to clarify a few dates of what will happen when:

April 2013 - PIP starts for new claims in NW & NE of England, other areas of GB will start for PIP new claimants in June 2013.

October 2013 - PIP starts for claimants reporting a change in circumstances & those reaching the end of their claim period.

October 2015 - PIP starts for indefinate awards of DLA. These assessments could last until 2017.

The Government will be holding a PIP review by an independant body in 2014 so things may change.

If you are unhappy with your award you may ask for a re-assessment by the DWP. If you are still unhappy then you appeal directly to the Tibunal Service and not through the DWP. You will not receive any payment during the Appeal process.

take care everyone


Hello s4ar

I have indefinate mobilty and care, I was told by an DLA advicer they will test me for PIP Oct 2013… I would like to know where you got 2015 because it would be so much better if it is :slight_smile:

Hello It changed about 2 days ago after the latest review. s4Ar