I have had vertigo in the past, but this last week it has been particularly bad, spent days either sitting in chair or in bed.
Sorry to moan, but where I was up together with presents etc, feel I am getting way behind with all other stuff, everone will just have to make do with whatever.
Is this another thing to do with ms? My Dr, although lovely, does not seem to know, personally I think it is.
Hi Pam, oh hon I get episodes of it really badly as well so know what you’re going through. It is worth seeing GP as wax buildup in the ear can cause it, but if it is the MS there is a drug that helps… Forget the name but I took it once when mine was very bad and it helped. Doctors! Yes it is a problem which lots of people get with MS so unless another cause can be found, eg wax in ear, then it is probably the MS. Pam I hope you are taking care not to overdo it for Xmas! We all seem to be suffering a bit more than usual and I have also noticed it on previous years. Take care hon and hope it clears up soon, Pat x
Hello Pat, It could be labrynthitis. i had a spell of that just over a year ago. The course of anti biotics didn’t really cure it. Perhaps it was “just visiting” as it went away of its own accord. Best wishes, Steve. x
Dr has already visited but wants me to hold off any medication forr a bit, whilst I am getting used to tolerating propranalol, which he says in the long term will be more beneficial, and the vertigo will pass. I know it will, but I do not have much patience!
Just really taking it easy and waiting! Patience is a virtue, I believe!
Really feel for you,as when its really bad,its not nice at all,
i get it at times, and sometimes its had me not able to lift my head from the pillow,it can be the ms, it can also be caused by ear infections,and other things too, maybe its a side effect of the beta blockers you have just started taking too,if its just come on at the same time you started taking them.hope it goes off soon,i know how awful it makes you feel.
Hi, I get it at times too, even before my dx. At one stage fainting was my party trick, it was so embarrassing and caused in part by drops in blood pressure. I also go very dizzy and black out if I sit with my head bent forward. Just ideas as I’ve found these set me off, but I also get the odd week or so when I’m constantly struggling with it. You’re not on your own and as there’s been a good response I’d say it could well be MS related.
I thought I had vertigo… but now I think it’s attaxia, I first noticed it when we went up ramps in multi-storey car parks, it’d really mess with my head, so I close my eyes and the more time went on, the more I just couldn’t look when I’m a passenger in the car.
I also struggle with stairs that have 90 degree turns, at the office I work at at the moment, the stairs are in a kind of oblong shape so 4 turns per floor, I have to look one step in front of me only as I just get muddled if I look too far ahead (only a problem if the lift breaks!)
Hope it soon clears up Pam as it is awfull my wife had labrithitus last year and it knocked her for six. Its another one of MS’s little pleasures. GET WELL SOON if any of us know what being well is. XX Don
A good few weeks ago my lady friend came down with that too; she’s not an MSer. She suffered it for over a week and then accepted the tablets I bought her from Boots. Yes, they did help a lot.
I asked on a website that I frequent. It was suggested vitamin B complex + B12. I have managed now to perswade her to join me in taking several vitamins.
A good few weeks ago my lady friend came down with that too; she’s not an MSer. She suffered it for over a week and then accepted the tablets I bought her from Boots. Yes, they did help a lot.
I asked on a website that I frequent. It was suggested vitamin B complex + B12. I have managed now to perswade her to join me in taking several vitamins.
Pam I hope you feel better now. Has it eased at all? If not then you really should consider Stemitil (Prochlorperazine), it’s a tablet usually used for nausea but often prescribed for dizziness (vertigo). A number of the patients I used to nurse were on it as it helped prevent falls and therefore unnecessary injuries.
Hopefully you don’t need it if it’s resolved itself. Take care.
I am so pleased to say my vertigo has eased, thank goodness. It has really touched me, all your kind words, so thank you all. It just shows that we really do help one another in our virtual
I do think that getting excited with the Christmas things triggered my last problem, so memo to me…stay calm!
Bless you Pam, you’re so right, people’s kind comments really do touch you when you’re down. I’m glad you’ve picked up a bit. It’s hard staying calm when everyone around you feels excited, the shops are full and even the television gets you looking forward to Christmas. Take care and make sure you rest.