This feels like a last chance. After a clear MRI, an initial diagnosis of Functional Neurological Disorder, a 10 week CFS/ME group therapy and a second neuro who didn’t event want to put a name to my symptoms but did refer me to Addenbrooke’s for my possible Optic Neuritis/ odd vision related symptoms.
I am once again in that weird rock/hard place. If they find something, I might get a new diagnosis. If they don’t, I’m in this fuzzy FND/CFS/ME space.
I’m still hoping for answers, still can’t shake the gut feeling that MS is playing hide and seek with me. However, the therapy course I’ve completed (but still under the care of an excellent OT for three more months) was so helpful. I’m armed with information and am gradually making positive changes. I do have the odd crash/relapse now and again but have goals to work toward.
In addition, the CFS group have gelled and we’re continuing to support one another.
So what do I need to know about Visual Potential tests (no, I got no prep info).