Saw neurologist yesterday and tried to explain symptoms but wasn’t able to tell him of headache/ pain over left eye, head and face. Plus pain in shoulder and shooting pains in limbs. More interested in where I send my kids to school. Sending me for another MRI as had one 5 years ago which showed a large spinal cord and cyst inc5. He has dismissed me no follow up, I just don’t feel like I’m being listened too, I can’t have pain, stiffness, vision blurring for no reason. He did check my eyes, walking and said I had brisk reflex responses. Feeling very disheartened as I want to know what is causes this not just fill me u with amitriptynline with no explanation.
Hi Sus x It’s so frustrating and daunting isn’t it?
I also feel that I’m just being left to get on with it - all I can say is what I tell myself every day - keep going -and keep pushing for answers. Dust yourself down and go back to your Gp and aske them to contact the neoro for clarification of why he has dismissed you xxjenxx
I was told at my app tuesday, what and how you describe your symtoms is how they base their investigation. I and many others on here find it very difficult to describe what you are going through so i personally think they should be a little more understanding. They deal with this kind of thing daily. We do not.
I think the thing to hang on to is that you have an MRI referral. With a bit of luck, that will take you a step closer to understanding what ails. I am sorry that you feel disheartened, though. It is not nice, feeling that they are not listening properly.
thanx for the replies will go back to my GP and ask her what she thinks, plus have to wait and see what the MRI turns up although they only scanned my neck last time, the neuro thinks they will not find anything new.
I now have my ‘spiders’ crawling across my back. Is it normal to feel so stiff in the morning feel i should be on a medival torture rack. Plus my feet hurt alot thought it was my new wellies at first but its not.
Its great to hear from you all as it stops me from feeling like a hypocon!!!
I’m beginning to think that some neuros forget that they are actually an important part of the diagnostic process as they seem to think that taking a proper history and doing a proper exam isn’t as important as the MRI - it makes you wonder why they bother seeing someone before it’s been done!
As Alison said, take heart from the fact that you are going for the MRI. The neuro can’t ignore any abnormalities that show up no matter how interested in where your kids go to school he is!
Hang in there.
Karen x
Hi, Being new to this system too I cannot understand why medical staff feel it is ok to treat ’ people’ ( as that’s what we are ) with shoddy communication ,disinterest and dismissive attitudes . I am really surprised at the many stories of how MS sufferers are treated. Thank goodness for the supportive voices from the forum… Be good to yourself Sus40 and gain your support networks ( the radiators in your life not the drains). Dee x
I’m not going to repeat my story of the “nasty neuro” again, coz it would be boring but my experience reduced me to tears and as a result I vowed never to return. Initially I blamed myself but then read other people’s experiences on this forum and realised that I was not alone. I just don’t understand why they treat people in such a demeaning manner. You would hope that individuals go into a client centred job to actually work with and help people. Xx