Trigeminal neuralgia relaps?

Hi all, I had a massive flare a couple of months ago and saw my neuro who got me in for emergency MRIs (no diagnosed with ms but have had bouts of transverse myelitis ) he said I could have some steroids when the MRIs were done but the flare stopped two days after the scans.

however a week later I have my first bout trigeminal neuralgia and I think I’m starting a new flare, I tripped and broke my toes thus afternoon… I seem to fall with flares.

Steroids worked well for me before but would they work in this instance and do you think this is a fresh flare?

Thanks for any responses

hi gilly

see you gp and ask if he/she will notify your neuro.

you won’t have an ms nurse wil you?

they are our first port of call.

anyway your gp should get it on your records.

carole x

ps ouch! nasty stuff that neuralgia.

Thanks Carole I didn’t want to pester the neuro but I will call his secretary to mention this and badger about the steroids

I haven’t gone almost straight from one flare into the next before. … Not good