Travelling: DMT's and work holiday visa's

Hi everyone

I hope this is ok. I am just looking for some advice. I am very fresh into my MS journey, and I have recently made the decision to start DMT, specifically Beta interferons.

I am 26 and I love to travel, and in the future, I had plans for extended holidays in Australia, when I say extended holidays I mean I was planning on applying for a work holiday visa. What I am wondering is does anyone have experience on traveling whilst taking Beta interferons, as I know they have to be kept refrigerated, and taken every two weeks?

I was also wondering if anyone knows anything or, has experience of applying for working holiday visa’s after being diagnosed with MS?

Any help would be amazing!

Hi Emma. Ive been on a weekly injection of Avonex (weekly injection of Beta Interferon ) for years. My only experience has been on short holidays. Got a letter from the neurologist to explain to airport security and anyone else that I was carrying needles / injections for medical purposes ( still got stopped for baggage searches a couple of times). Kept the injections in minibars or asked the hotel / cruise ship.

One thing to watch (nothing to do with infections), is heat. How are you in warm weather? It can affect me terribly I.e my symptoms become a bit worse and I get very tired/lacking in energy. Pre MS I was fine in warm - hot weather but these days I struggle

You may like to consider Tecfidera. As a capsule it does not need to be kept refrigerated. Disadvantage it does need to be taken twice a day. Besides it being more effective the fact that it was compatible with extended trips in our campervan was a major factor is choosing.

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